Page 23 of Twisted Truths

“Miranda!” someone yelled from behind us.

Pausing, we both turned around to see Henry jogging towards us. Before he caught up to us, Victoria stepped in front of him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him.

My heart sank to my feet.

That’s why he never called.

“C’mon, M, let’s go eat cookies.” Tara linked her fingers with mine and we turned our backs and disappeared into the classroom.

Mrs. Carroll glanced up. “Hiding out until the bell?”

Nodding, I set my backpack down on a desk. “Grandpa said I didn’t have to come back today, but …” I shrugged.

“I understand.” She gave me a small smile and let us raid the fridge for milk to go with our cookies.

We ate in silence, and my mind drifted to Henry and Victoria.

If his plan was to make Victoria jealous, he should’ve found someone else. I was stupid to think he liked me.

The two cookies I ate sat heavy in my belly and a wave of nausea passed over me.

“Sorry, T.” I sighed. “I’m gonna head to art.”

“You don’t have to be sorry.” She got up and took our cups to the sink to be washed. “We’re older now, and you’re probably going to feel out of sorts for a while.” Her shoulders lifted in a shrug. “At least that’s what my mom said.”

“Thanks.” I pressed my lips together in a wane smile and grabbed my backpack before leaving the room.

My feet took me the long way around through the back hall to my locker. Most people I came across moved out of my way, except for the one who stood blocking my locker.

The cloying sweetness of her perfume made me want to vomit. “Please move.”

Victoria laughed. “Not until I make sure you know your place.”

“And what place is that?”

She dropped her voice menacingly low. “You were a curiosity for Henry. Nothing more.”

My voice sounded flat when I responded. “Noted.”

“If I see you near him, I’ll make you wish you were never born.”

“Jokes on you.” I barked out a laugh. “I already do!”

The bell rang and most students scattered like cockroaches when someone turned on a light. Victoria shoved me into the lockers before she walked away, finally leaving me alone.

Bitch. I hated her. I hated feeling this way.

Reaching for the combination lock, I twisted my numbers out, threw my backpack inside and slammed it shut before walking down the hall to my class.


Victoria’s sticky lips felt gross, and I pushed her back, breaking the kiss. “What the hell?”

“Oh, Henry.” She giggled. “Don’t be like that.”

“We’re not together, Victoria.” I tried to walk around her and she moved with me.

“Henry. You can’t run from me.”