Page 40 of Taken By the Titan

He chuckled. “Not everyone can have access to the latest tech.”

“But I do, and now so do you. However, I removed the ability to make calls or access the net.”

“A digital collar around my neck now?”

“It’s better than a cage.” I pressed a small folder icon. “You can also do this.” I tapped the video, which played a delayed stream of the hospital room his father rested in.

“Oh my!” He gasped.

“The video uploads to the device every twenty minutes in ten-minute video segments.”

He took me by surprise in the most delightful way and reached up to kiss my lips. His salty kiss reminded me of the calm waters back home and the raging crashing seas of this realm and it was driving me wild with desire. I felt the urge to take him in my arms and cover him with kisses. I laughed to myself, for he was clumsy in the way he piled on his affections too freely and it was rubbing off on me. Our kind played games with love and affection, giving and taking when needed to wrap the other around our finger. I found it difficult to do that with him, and he was not a master at manipulation, but I planned to never tell him that, at least not soon.

I told him of my plans for Gio and me to remain in an adjacent room of this horrid little place away from his former partners. Our kind rarely made it a habit to make appearances to the dwarves we hired unless we had to, and I saw no reason to do so now. I trusted him to handle his old partners. They looked like a ragtag bunch of colorful-haired misfits who regrettedcoming to this abysmal place. They wore light tank tops and short shorts, et al. One was a young dwarven woman named Lala who complained about the gloomy weather. A tall skinny fellow dressed in black with black hair who looked like any punk in the lower districts, who went by the name Raze. Shani was a petite girl who clung to Raze like a lifeline. The other two were Dean, a muscled, dark-skinned dwarf who was tall enough to be one of our teenagers, and another who sat near him named Jon. They all seemed of minor note, but one other, the one they all called Marcus, was drawing far too much unnecessary attention.

The moment he had entered the room, he had argued with Kal, claiming he owed him. I waited for Kal to shut the other down, which he tried to do and move on with the meeting, but Marcus would not let go. His light brown eyes full of mocking fury.

“Who is that soon to be dead man?” I whispered to Gio.

“Marcus Johnston, twenty-nine, been a diver since he was thirteen, can hold his breath for thirteen point four minutes.”

Once he placed his hand near Kal’s backside, I had enough and emerged from the shadows, much to the shock and awe of the other dwarves. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am your employer, and I’ve paid a lot of money just to get you all here because my…Kal…says you are the best at what you do.” I stood between him and this Marcus. “Tell me how much he owes you so this useless squabble can cease.”

“Hm.” He placed his hands on his hips and lifted his head in the haughtiest of smirks. He didn’t seem at all phased by my presence, perhaps he had seen our kind before, or he was pretending. This little shit was about to say something foolish. “The only way for him to pay me back is with that sweet boy pussy of his.” He laughed and turned to the others. “Come on, we all know he would rather be the woman--”

He didn’t finish before I had him in my hands! He clawed at my hand which wrapped around his head, choking and gurgling as his hot blood trickled down my arm. His attempts to fight back were meaningless.

“Thorsten! Stop!” I heard Kal’s voice through the white fiery rage, and the reality of what I had done to this once-living thing hit me. The brain matter stuck to my fingers like sticky rice, his skull, and pieces of hair lay scattered by the force of my crushing blow.

“Is there anyone else here who thinks he owes them his boy pussy.”

The dwarves shook their heads collectively.

“Um…” Kal moved his perfect lips to speak but didn’t.

“Good,” I said, not wanting to waste time on their whining. “Come to dock three at five a.m. My man Gio will provide you with identification tags. If you lose them, you’re out. Your accommodations are on the upper third level of the city at a hotel called The Saints. Your team passcode is 6749 and you will be given an allowance during your time here to enjoy the city as you please.”

Gio carried the pitiful mess out the back door. And now Kal and I were alone.

“You didn’t have to do that! That was too far!”

“I lost control; I apologize, but back home, I would have done far worse to him for speaking to my mate in such a manner.”

“This isn’t your home…” He stopped and stammered over his words.

“I’m well aware of that. I don’t need you to remind me. But while I rule here, I make the rules, and this world no longer has a place for your dwarven sensibilities.” I took a deep breath to calm down. He was the last being in this world I wanted to fight with. “I don’t want to fight you.”

“You killed someone who came all this way to help us leave this place. Have you ever heard the phrase self-sabotage?”

I laughed at him, but in the back of my mind was that nagging little critter of self-doubt.

“He was one man.”

“Sometimes, all it takes is one to make or break a crew. Now their morale is lowered. Marcus was an ass, but they knew him more than me, and if you had consulted with me before calling my old crewmates, then I would have told you not to bother with him. Let me call in a friend. One who may have enhancements that could be more useful…. Jaxon. I know he was in a bad way when I saw him last but--”

“Who?” I pretended like I didn’t remember the blond. “No way.”

“He doesn’t have to know anything—”