Page 41 of Taken By the Titan

“Absolutely not. I’m strong enough to do the job of an enhanced dwarf.”

“You’re going?” He asked, shocked by the news.

“Of course.”

“Weren’t you weakened the last time you were in cold water?”

“Don’t say that out loud.” I scolded. “It wasn’t necessarily the cold water; it was how dirty it is. I was born with a delicate constitution compared to my siblings.” I hated admitting weakness to my mate. “With a proper dive suit, I should be fine.”

“We may still need one more for the dive. It’s always good to have backup.”

“Why do you care so much if this Jaxon joins us?” I walked over to him and lifted his chin, my earlier doubts and insecurities plaguing me. “You care for him so deeply that even now, you beg to have him near?”

“Jaxon is my friend. Nothing more. Yes, I am worried about him, and it’s difficult to just leave without knowing if he’s okay.What’s wrong with being worried about him?” He shot back and turned his head away from me.

I gripped him by the shoulders, careful not to hurt him. “Suck me off,” I demanded, pulling my cock from my pants. “Don’t become greedy over a little taste of freedom.” He gazed up at me with an angry glint in his green eye. But he didn’t protest when he gripped my cock in his hands and sucked at the tip. “You belong to me.” He’s gotten better.

“I can’t.” He pulled away, his eyes fixed on the puddle of blood left on the floor. And when he stepped back, he slipped and would have fallen in the blood had I not latched on to him. He cried. His cock formed a tent in his tunic. “I’m sick.” He cried hoarsely. “I can’t believe it turned me on to do this even after you…and his blood is still…something is wrong with me!”

“If something is wrong with you, then it’s also wrong with me. We belong together as two degenerates then.” I wiped his tears. “Don’t think of what others may think of you. Put them all aside, whenever we are together, the outside world dies.”

I placed him on the table and lifted the tunic, then pulled at the fabric separating me from his hot little hole.

“I’m burning up.” He breathed, he was right, his body as heated as a furnace. I shoved a wet finger inside and then worked his small shaft with my tongue. “Thorsten.” He called to me and it only heightened my need to take him. His salty cum sprayed into my mouth as he shook and moaned and gripped my hair, a habit I was learning he enjoyed doing often. “Hurry.” He panted, surrendering himself to me as he lay panting on the old wooden table.



I felt my head and groaned; it was hot, which meant I was running a fever; this was not the best time to get sick. Especially now that I was outside of that castle and in the crisp air of the sea. The city provided a gothic backdrop, the gloomy skies forever rising above. The ship we were on was large, but not like the fishing boats I was used to, but a massive luxury liner adorned with advanced tech, a titan ship for sure. Seems the Madam held up her end of their bargain.

Surprisingly enough, everyone arrived on time for the job, and no one spoke to me beyond the courtesy greeting. I didn’t know what they were thinking, or if they thought I had gotten them into something they couldn’t easily walk away from. I needed to make it right, give them a reason to trust because trust was everything once you’re in the water. Divers who went alonerarely lived for a long time, which is why crews, even a bunch of strangers, were better than none at all.

“I just want to say,” I said to the group as the ship swayed on the water. “I know we may not have begun on the right foot. What happened to Marcus was unfortunate. But he was here to do a job, not harass me. I understand if that isn’t good enough.” I held up my hand to prevent Thorsten from interrupting. He settled down, watching the exchange. “If you don’t feel comfortable here, then we will cover the costs of your journey home, and I promise to split my salvage with you so your trip here won’t be for nothing.”

“Look.” Raze shifted in his seat. “I knew somebody was gonna kill Marcus one of these days. I didn’t know it would be for that, but it was bound to happen.” He glanced at Thorsten, sitting nearby, and glanced away. “Asshole or not, he didn’t deserve to go out like that. It was fucked up, but life goes on. I’m here to make my money and go home, not split the rubble.”

“I need parts for a new PC; I won’t get it by taking scraps,” Lala said, adjusting her wet suit.

Everyone else remained silent, but no one moved to leave.

“Good,” Thorsten spoke up and then pointed at the holo of an underwater city. “Many have braved the waters here in Jötun, hoping to walk away with wealth. However, our waters have also claimed countless lives. Soon, we plan to travel deeper than any crew ever has. This is a simple salvage run where I receive first choice while you divide the rest amongst you using the crates. Considering how much is down there, you all could walk away with a lot of money, enough to retire. Today we will focus on completing the map of the underwater city using sonar and infrared tech.”

Raze pointed at the digital screen. “This mapping system is badass. Look, we can already see most of the city.”

“Why go with Sonar and not straight imagery if it’s this advanced?” Lala folded her arms.

“The sound of the water could tell us if life is down there or if there are any major obstacles to look out for. We can also use the infrared to pick up heat sigs.” I explained, hoping we wouldn’t spend the next hour arguing over the right equipment.

Dean stood up and cracked his knuckles. “I admit I’ve never worked directly with the client, titan, or not watching me the whole way, so I’m nervous, but I can operate the sonar.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t bite.” Thorsten smiled wide, almost pompously.

“Let’s get to work,” I said, grabbing the beacon equipment and ordering Lala to help while Jon and Dean focus on the sonar and infrared tech.

We dropped the beacons into the water and waited thirty minutes until we could read the results, which were all over the damn place.

“Proximity to the abyss is jamming our sensors.” Thorsten huffed.