Fuck. She shouldn't mean anything to me.
It doesn’t matter. If Aiden looks or speaks to her again, I’ll blind him then rip off his head.
No one fucks with her. No one but me.
She tips her face up. “What happened?”
“Usual Adalwulf posturing. He thinks he’s won.” I reach for her and stop myself just in time. I can’t touch her. “You shouldn’t have come in here.”
She ignores my snarl. “I figured the dick measuring contest had gone on long enough. Besides, it knocked him off his game. He went in to spar with you and ended up facing me instead.”
And Madison won. It was almost worth letting Aiden in to watch him scramble to best her.
“We got word to the executive team,” she continues. “They’ll be contacting Benson now, seeing where we stand. The Adalwulfs haven’t won yet.”
She sounds like she wants this deal more than I do.
“I told them to stay away and let you handle Mr. Adalwulf. But they’ll want to debrief. I can set up a meeting–”
“No. You and I are going out.” If I don’t get out of the office, my wolf is going to lose it.
I’m not going to think too closely about why I want–need–Madison at my side.
* * *
I’m still pecking at my tablet, liaising with three different departments to schedule meetings with Benson while Brick leads me out of the elevator. I step out and blink in the sunlight, holding up my tablet to block the glare, and ducking my head against the wind. Instead of the parking deck, we’re on the rooftop.
“This way.” Brick’s hand settles at the small of my back, guiding me towards the waiting helicopter. The wind whips the hem of my dress, making it snap against my legs.
I wait until we’re strapped into our seats to shout my question. “Where are we going?”
Brick doesn’t answer. As the helicopter rises from the roof, he stares out the window, lost in thought, his face and beard in profile. He really is beautiful. Less classically handsome than Aiden Adalwulf, but just as striking. Aiden Adalwulf looks like an airbrushed model, too uncanny to be real. And his face is a mask, a perfectly polished shell hiding the vast emptiness inside.
Brick is the epitome of rugged masculine hotness, but he’s also real. Fierce, powerful, demanding but also loyal.
And in this moment, where it’s just the two of us, I want him so badly my bones ache. I want a repeat of what happened in his office last week.
But he promised that wouldn’t happen.
I press my legs together, put my head down and work until we land. Our destination is another highrise rooftop. We could have driven here but I guess he wanted to skip the extra fifteen minutes of traffic. Brick helps me out of the helicopter and again ushers me into Le Ciel, a lavishly decorated restaurant with wall to wall windows and tables set for fine dining. I stop short, ignoring the slight pressure of his hand on my back that would keep me moving.
“You’re not cheating on me, are you?”
His head snaps my way.
“With another assistant.” I wave my tablet around the empty restaurant. “Because this is something I should arrange for you.”
“I have a standing reservation here. Perks of being an investor.”
A maître d' materializes, along with several waiters. “Welcome, Mr. Blackthroat. Window or booth?”
“My usual. Unless you’d like the window?” He touches my elbow to indicate he’s talking to me.
I hide my surprise.