It’s a standoff. From the gloating look on Aiden’s creepily handsome face, he’s winning and lording it over Blackthroat.
I have to do something.
Do the rest of the executives know?
Noah shrugs.My guess is no, if Blackthroat’s up here alone. This was some sort of ambush while everyone was prepping for the noon meeting.
I fire off a quick text to security and keep signing to Noah.Inform them, please. But tell them to stay and check on the status of the deal.It won’t do for all the executives to come barrelling in to back Blackthroat. It’ll undermine his authority, make him look weak.Mr. Blackthroat can handle this by himself, I explain.The others can reach out to Benson Senior and the rest of the board.
I grab a tablet off my desk and pull up the morning report I compiled on the bus. I don’t have a great excuse to interrupt, but I’ll figure something out.
I square my shoulders to march over, but Noah catches my arm.Their orders are not to be disturbed.
I’ll be fine.
A hush falls over the analysts as I march up to the door. If the two thugs on either side could shoot lasers out of their eyes, I’d be dead, but they don’t make a move to stop me.
I rap on the door and glide right in. The tension in the air is so thick, my lungs squeeze.
Blackthroat doesn’t look up, but Aiden turns his flat, dead-eyed gaze on me. He recognizes me. I wasn’t part of his power play before I entered the room, but I am now.
“Excuse me,” I keep my voice sweet but firm. “I wouldn’t interrupt but this is time sensitive.” My smile is pure bullshit.
I lean into Blackthroat, showing him the tablet. The first item is confirmation of the land deal closing. It’s not a huge win, but every battle counts. “I just need your signature.” I swipe to the correct document and hand it to him. I feel Aiden’s eyes crawling up and down my back, so I face him.
“Mr. Adalwulf, can I get you anything? Water? Coffee?”A soul?I force myself to meet his gaze and am rewarded with a flicker of surprise in his stone-like expression. He gives a barely imperceptible shake of the head.
I keep my eyes on him as I ask Blackthroat, “Do you want me to cancel the rest of your morning meetings and reschedule them for later in the day?”
“No.” Blackthroat hands me back the tablet. “We’re done here.”
I don't know how I broke the showdown, but I did. Brick and Aiden rise at the same time, flicking their suit jackets closed with identical movements. Their mirrored behavior would be funny if they weren’t so intimidating.
Only Blackthroat’s solid presence at my back allows me to face Aiden as he comes closer. He stares at me like I’m a bug under a magnifying glass. One he’s about to crush.
He stops a foot away, looming over me. He and Brick are both giants compared to me.
Screw him. I’ve been standing up to rich bullies since my first day at Landhower. Aiden Adalwulf is no different.
I stand my ground as if goosebumps haven’t broken out over my body. Aiden is in my space enough to physically intimidate me. But I’m not alone. I swear I hear a low, beast-like growl from my boss behind me. If I leaned back, I could rest my head on Blackthroat’s chest.
Aiden sees this. He sees everything. “Madison Evans,” he rasps with a sound like flint striking steel. “Good to see you again.”
I don’t reply.
He glances down at my cleavage long enough for it to be obvious. I feel Blackthroat tense behind me and imagine his muscles bulging, gearing up for a fight.
“Shall I find someone who can show you the way out?” I ask, all sweetness. From the commotion at the elevator, it looks like security got my text and already sent up an escort.
“No need. I know my way around.” With a parting smirk, Aiden leaves.
* * *
The scent of my enemy fades, drowned out by Madison’s sweetness. I hold myself still, willing my wolf to back down.Enemy. Kill.
Everything in me wanted to rip Aiden’s throat out. And he knew it. The bastard came here to gloat. Losing control would count as a win. He was hoping to goad me into acting stupid. When he spoke to Madison, I almost did. I have to act like Madison is nothing to me. Merely an assistant. If Aiden thinks a human female means something to me, he’ll use it to destroy me.