Page 90 of Camden

Grayson wrapped an arm around Haley, tucking her against him. Her hand landed on his chest and they looked comfortable together. Like a couple. I’d have to figure that out later. My eyes found Asher just as his jaw tightened. “Seems like our girl here has a violent side.”

Haley rolled her eyes. “Not violent. I was trying to protect you. And it worked. Thank you very much.”

“What did you do?”

“I hit that asshole with a frying pan.”

My eyebrows shot up. “You what?”

“When I heard you screaming, I took off running. I knew I could get there before the cops. I figured the two of us would surely be able to take him, right?” She shrugged, and my eyes watered. “When I came in, you were in trouble. So, I grabbed the first thing I saw and hit him with it.”

“Haley.” My voice broke. My shoulders shook as the tears fell. She hurried to my side and wrapped her arms around me as Cam sat on my other side. “Thank you,” I whispered.

“You’re my sister. I’d do anything for you.”

I gripped her tighter. I was alive because of her. I knew it and she knew it. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she murmured in my hair.

“Damn it, you guys. I’m too emotional for all of this,” Rylie cried in the corner as Mason held her.

“Actually, I understand that. Or I will in a few months.” I smiled at Cam.

“You’re pregnant?” Rylie squealed.

I nodded my head, sighing as Cam pressed his lips to my temple. “And we are getting married,” he said proudly.

“Seriously?” Ry tossed her hands in the air. “‘Bout damn time. I’ve been dying over here waiting. I almost spilled the beans over the phone today.”

“Thank god you didn’t,” Cam said.

“When are you due?” Grayson asked.

“Beginning of April,” Cam answered. “Gives us plenty of time to get the cabin baby-proofed.

“The cabin?” I asked, confused.

“I’m not letting you go back to that house, sweets. I don’t want our lives to start somewhere thathetainted.”

“I’m fine. I can handle it.” I rubbed his forearm which rested on my lap.

He cupped the nape of my neck. “You might be able to, but I can’t.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yeah. I’m sure. That was always the plan. We’re just moving the timeline up a few years.” He winked at me.

“I can help,” Luanne said from the open doorway. She and Stacey stood with smiling faces. She rushed into the room and circled her arms tightly around me, almost knocking Cam on his ass in the process.

He chuckled at her. “Don’t mind me.”

“Oh, hush. I’m talking to my daughter.” My eyes instantly filled with tears. Luanne had been the closest thing I had to a mother since mine had passed. I never thought I would be someone’s daughter again. Let alone a mother myself. “Honey, don’t cry. We’ll get everything sorted out by the time you leave here. When are you getting out?” She wiped my tears with the pad of her thumb.

“I have to stay overnight for observation.”

“That’s plenty of time. We’ll get all of your essentials packed up and moved over.”

Everyone stayed and talked for another hour before the nurse came in to tell us visiting hours were over. I gave everyone one more hug, as Cam hugged his mom goodbye. “Make sure you have Mason check over the house before you go in. He and Grayson are going to board up the door.”