Haley sighed, her shoulder sagging. “I don’t think that would work out in my favor.” A look of longing shone as she watched him.
“There is a new guy on the team that I could set you up with. He seems like a decent guy.” Mason volunteered.
“Who are you thinking, man?” Cam asked.
“Ah.” Cam nodded but didn’t add any information.
Asher laughed at whoever was on the other end of his call. “You know what? Do it,” Haley said, standing on wobbly legs. “I need to pee.” She walked past us to the hallway.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Rylie asked, eyeing Asher.
“He needs a wake-up call,” Mason whispered. “He thinks she’s always going to be there. The only way for him to see what is in front of his face is for her to go on a date with another dude.”
“What if it doesn’t work?” I asked.
“Well, then Haley goes on a date with a good guy. I wasn’t kidding. He seems like a good one.”
Cam pressed a kiss to the side of my head. “Don’t worry, babe. He wouldn’t offer to set them up unless we knew Chris was a good guy.”
I nodded. “Okay.”
“Now all we need to do is get you set up with someone and then everyone will live happily ever after,” Rylie said to Stacey, who coughed on her margarita.
“Um, I actually met someone,” She mumbled into her cup. Cam stiffened next to me.
“What’s this guy’s name? Have you done a background check on him yet?” His chest rumbled as he spoke.
Stacey looked at me for help. I placed my hand on Cam’s thigh, patting it a few times. “What he means to say is, when do we get to meet him?” I asked like it was a foregone conclusion I’d also be attending.
Stacey smiled, picking at the edge of the couch. “Actually, I’ve been meaning to tell you something.”
“What? Do we already know him? Is it someone on the force? Better not be fucking Porter.” Cam’s nostrils flared.
“It’s not someone you know. It’s, um, not a guy at all.” Her voice vibrated.
“What?” Rylie asked as we all sat a little taller.
“Um. Her name is Meghan. We met a couple of weeks ago at the store.”
“Meghan,” Cam said slowly.
“Yeah. I have been trying to tell you, and apparently, I just needed some tequila to help.” She tipped the rest of her cup back, emptying the rest of her marg.
Cam’s jaw ticked as he stood up and walked over to her. I knew there was no way that Stacey’s announcement would change how Cam loved her, but I didn’t know if she knew that.
She was nervous.
He pulled her up. “Are you mad?” she asked, her voice small. I wanted to look away because it seemed like such an important moment, but I couldn’t.
“Why would I be mad?” Cam asked, wrapping her in his arms. “Thank you for telling me.”
“You’re okay?” she asked, her words mumbled by his shirt.
“Of course I am. I love you. I don’t care who you love. I just want you to be happy. Does she make you happy?” He asked, still not letting her go.
“So far. We’ve only been out a few times.”