Page 137 of Balls to the Walls

“Then what were you chasing?”

“Something in the United States.”

Fox nodded. “Now we’re getting somewhere. Okay, so imagine you’re a dog.”

Again, the man looked at me. “Why would I do that?”

“It’s a…just go with it. Close your eyes.” The man sighed, but did as he asked. “Alright, you’re a dog and you’re sniffing for something. You know it’s not far away.” The man’s nose wrinkled slightly as if he was actually sniffing. “You’re tracking it like a bloodhound. You’re so close. All you have to do is track that scent until you find what you’re looking for. Do you smell it?”


Fox’s brows furrowed. “Why not?”

“Because gold has no scent.”

“Ah-ha!” Fox snapped, looking at me in victory. “So, youweresearching for the gold.”

The man’s eyes flew open. “Hey, you tricked me!”

“Actually, I was trying hypnosis. I guess I’ll have to brush up on my skills.”

“You’re a psychic?” the man said in awe.

“No, that’s…that’s not at all the same thing. Dude, where did you go to school?”

“Why? Do you think that’s somehow related?”

“To your intelligence? Very likely. Unless of course, you were just a bad student. You know, one of my teachers always told me that it’s not about the school, but the student. If the student has no desire to learn, it doesn’t matter how good the school is.”

“Right, but if the teachers don’t know how to teach, it doesn’t matter how great the desire is to learn,” I cut in.

“Huh, so you feel it lands on the teacher’s shoulders,” Fox said, turning to me.

“No, I think it’s an equal distribution of—why are we talking about this?” I asked in frustration. “We’re supposed to be interrogating a suspect!”

“I was, but it was a valid question.”

This was getting nowhere fast. I walked over to the man and slammed my fist into his face. “What the fuck were you looking for with that woman?”

“Man, that really hurt!” the man cried out.

“See, this is why I don’t like to do this,” Fox sighed.

I ignored him and continued, slamming my fist into his face again. “Tell me what I want to know.”

His whimpers didn’t get to me. But then I realized it wasn’t him crying, but Fox. I slowly looked at him, then jabbed my finger toward the exit. “If this upsets you, leave.”

He swiped at his eyes, sniffing back fake tears. “I’m good. I just…I’ll be okay.”

Turning back to the man, I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him close. “One of you is going to end up in the trunk of my car. We’ll go for a long drive to the middle of nowhere. No one will hear your screams. I can torture you for hours, and when I have what I need, I’ll dump your body in a river after it’s weighted down with concrete. They won’t find your remains until rocks have beaten your body to shreds and fish have gnawed on your remains. Do I make myself clear?”

The man’s wide eyes never left mine as he nodded slowly. “Understood.”

“Now, what were you after?”

“The location of her husband.”
