The man was zip tied in the far corner of the basement, staring at everyone with wild eyes. “You have to let me go!”
“And why’s that?” I questioned, nodding to Fox. We were going to get to the bottom of this right now.
“Because if you don’t, that man you were with is going to die.”
I huffed in laughter. More scare tactics. “Fox, get to it.”
“Me, boss?”
I did a double take, looking at the wide-eyed expression on his face. “Yeah, you. This is what I hired you for.”
“Right, but…” His eyes scanned the man, then flicked back to mine. “I can’t.”
“You can’t?”
He shook his head wildly. “Boss, I’m serious. I can’t do that anymore.”
“And why not?”
“You know why not,” he hissed. “I’ve lost that…lovin’ feeling.”
“If you start singing, I’m gonna slit your throat,” I threatened.
His shoulders slumped as he stared at the ground. “I wish that was the problem. Really, boss, I do. It’s just…there’s nothing left to be angry about. I told you, I can’t do it anymore.”
“Then how the fuck are we supposed to find out what’s really going on?”
“I could?—”
“No!” I snapped. “You’re not going to meditate with him. You have a job. Now do it!”
Fox walked forward, slowly pulling the knife from his sheath. He stopped right in front of the man, holding the blade just inches from the man’s neck. “Um…I’m going to…to make an incision on your neck. It’ll probably hurt a little, maybe a lot. I’m really sorry about this. I’ll try to be as gentle as possible, but it would really help me a lot if you could just tell us what you know.”
“Fox!” I snapped. The man I once considered crazy walked over to me with the weight of the world on his shoulders. It was as if all the joy he once got from an interrogation was gone. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“I told you, boss. It’s gone. I can’t do it.”
“You’re telling him you’re going to be gentle with him. That’s not how we interrogate suspects. You hang them from the rafters. You boil them in acid. You cut them to pieces! That’s how you get answers!”
“At one time,” he nodded. “Maybe…maybe I could try something different.”
“Like what?”
His eyes suddenly lit up and he grinned at me. “Just go with me on this.” He didn’t wait for an answer. He spun on his heel and jauntily strolled back to the man with a smile on his face. “Hey! So, we’re going to try something here. I’m going to name a place, and I want you to tell me what that represents.”
The man looked at me, waiting for me to intervene, but I was gonna go with this. At least for the moment. “Uh…okay.”
“Great. So, I want you to imagine Mexico.”
“I’ve never been to Mexico.”
“Really? It’s a great place. Lots of culture and?—”
“Fox!” I snapped.
“Right,” he nodded. “Anyway, I want you to imagine what you were chasing in Mexico.”
“I wasn’t chasing anything in Mexico.”