I zombie my way through my first two classes. When I leave social studies, I trudge behind my peers, in no rush to get to my next class on time.

“Kylie,” Josie’s voice calls out.

I look up and see her waving from the opposite direction. I hug the wall and wait for her to reach me.

Josie clutches her elbows on her approach. “I’m so sorry.”

I flinch at the dread in her tone.

Josie flings her arms around me, and my chin whacks her shoulder.

I cringe. “Why are you commiserating with me?”

Josie pulls back, wincing. “Because I saw Yvette and Parker together.”

All my internal organs freeze. “Together?”

She nods glumly.

“So, that’s it?” There’s a tremble in my voice. “You saw them kissing?”

“No,” she blurts. “They were just talking. But...”

I impatiently wait her out. “But what?”

“They were really close,” she whispers. “Like, intimately close. He was holding her hands on the desk and they were whispering.”

I swallow the ugliness at the back of my mouth and nod. “Okay, I knew this was happening. They were close and whispering throughout the camping trip. Now, they’re both single and can choose to be together.”

Josie’s bottom lip quivers. “I’m so sorry, Kylie.”

I shake my head, forcing my eyes not to well. “Don’t be. It’s okay, as long as he’s happy.”

“You’re allowed to be sad.”

“Not at school. I don’t want anyone, especially Yvette, seeing me cry.”

Josie nods. “Okay. We’ll keep a low profile.”

“Library at lunch?”


I get through the next two periods, and when I leave art class, Parker exits Spanish from across the hall.

He fumbles with his stance, and then summons the courage to get closer. “Hey,” he whispers.

I fold my arms, leaning against the wall. “Hey.”

“How are you?” he asks, shifting awkwardly. “You never returned my texts.”

“Well, we were done playing make-believe.”

“But I thought we would still be friends.”

I hold my resolve, watching his Adam’s apple bob and a sweat bead down the side of his forehead.

I push off the wall and step away. “I don’t think I can.”