“Does he think everyone’s mad at him?”

“He shouldn’t. Tyler and Kai were texting him too.”

I grimace. “Ugh. You don’t think he was too wrapped up in Yvie to reply, do you?”

He frowns. “It’s a possibility.”

I dip my hand into my pocket and clutch my phone. “Well, he texted me on Friday, but I never replied.”

“Even though you want to be with him?”

“Well, I only figured that out on Saturday.” I gulp. “Then we saw his car at Yvie’s place.”

“Yeah. Makes things awkward.”

We move through the school gates and into the foyer. My stomach flips and my heart swells. So many mornings, I’d picture myself walking into school with Lewis. Now it’s happening, and I can’t stop thinking about another guy.

Ugh. Am I destined to never be happy?

Lewis exhales slowly. “Thank you so much for walking in with me. This would be so hard to do alone.”

I smile and pat his arm. “It’s no problem.”

He smiles. “You’re such a great person, Kylie. I’m an idiot for never noticing how awesome you are.”

“As long as we can be friends now, the slate is wiped clean.”

He slings an arm around my shoulders. “Deal.”

A grin spreads across my face and I let my eyes wander the crowded hallway. I almost trip when I land on Parker.

He lifts his hand in a mediocre wave. “Hey, guys.”

Lewis tugs his arm around me tighter. “Hey, man. We missed you on Sunday.”

Recognition fills his eyes as he nods at me. “Oh. Sorry I couldn’t make it.”

My heart thunders in my chest as I stare at the only boy I want to be with.

“I’ll walk you to your locker,” Lewis says, forcing me to move past Parker.

I don’t answer because all the words I want to say to Parker are clogged in my throat.

When we turn into another hallway, Lewis drops his arm from around me. “You’re welcome.”

“Excuse me?”

Lewis gestures to the prior hallway. “For getting you away from Parker.”

“I didn’t even get to say hi to him.”

“Did you really want to hear him admit he spent Sunday with Yvette?”

I grunt and step away from him. “Thanks for walking me, Lewis. I need to find Josie.”

He waves me off. “No problem.”

I keep my head down as I walk through the hallway. I avoid eye contact with those around me, and stuff my bag into my locker. At Josie’s locker, I can’t even admit to her that I saw Parker. I know she wants me to fight for him, but what if Lewis is right? What if Parker spent Sunday with Yvette?