“Please don’t act like you like me.”
He flinches. “Huh?”
“Yes, I’ve had a crush on you forever, but you didn’t care,” I say candidly. “You only want me because I was with Parker. You had a year and a half to make a move, and you ignored me. I’m not another trophy in your silly competition. Either Parker wants me, or I’m walking away from both of you.”
He releases my wrist. “I don’t see you as a trophy.”
“You don’t see me as girlfriend material.”
“I care about you. I’ve liked the time we’ve spent together. Like after the fair or just hanging at your house.” He rubs his neck, averting his gaze. “But, no, I don’t see you as my girlfriend. Part of me wants to be with you just so my break up doesn’t hurt. And, maybe, to get under Parker’s skin.”
“I don’t want to do that stuff anymore.”
He crosses his fingers over his heart. “I promise to never use you.”
I sigh, relieved. “Thank you.”
“If you want to see Parker,” Lewis says as if the words are painful, “I’ll drive you over.”
“You’ll drive?” My body locks with apprehension. “But I thought you were still on your ban?”
He bats a hand. “The month will be over soon enough.”
“No, I’ll find my own way over there.”
“It takes two buses to get there and there’s always a long wait between them.”
“I can find someone else to drive me.”
“Just let me give you a ride,” he insists. “I don’t want you thinking I’m a jerk.”
“I don’t think that.”
“My car is still in the shop and my parents are inside. Any chance you have a car we can take?”
“Well, there’s my sister’s car,” I hesitate. “She’s at the mall with my parents.”
Lewis snaps his fingers. “Perfect. Get the keys.”
“I gotta be crazy.”
“Don’t worry, you won’t get into trouble. My parents will hardly blame the quiet girl next door.”
“What about my parents?”
He shrugs. “I corrupted you.”
So that’s my reputation, is it? “Okay. I’ll get the keys.”
I have goosebumps on the drive over. One, I’m about to tell Parker that my feelings were never fake. Two, I’m in the car with Lewis Allen, who has a reputation as a terrible driver.
Lewis slows down the car, but we’re not in Parker’s street.
“What are you doing?”
He points to the left. “Don’t you recognize that car?”
I gulp when I see it. Parker’s car.