His smile twitches with nervousness. “You mean, when I moved here?”

I nod. “You probably never noticed.”

“Well, no, but I... I just didn’t know.”

“I kept it all inside,” I whisper. “But that doesn’t mean my feelings weren’t real.”

Lewis swallows hard and then takes another step closer. He looks down at my chest and smiles.

“Did you wear this for me?”

He runs his finger across my necklace and picks up the sapphire pendant.

I shiver. “I remembered how much you liked it.”

Lewis drops the pendant and his hand brushes back my hair and caresses my neck. There’s only a slither of air between us, and after many practice kisses with Parker, I know what this means.

The air shifts and there’s shared heat between us. I lower my eyelids and my heart pounds in anticipation.

I’m going to kiss Lewis Freaking Allen!

They weren’t practice kisses.


It wasn’t fake.

The small voice in the back of my head doesn’t sound familiar. But with every word it whispers, my heart strums like I’m listening to an old friend.

Parker’s dang infectious smile crowds my mind just as Lewis’s lips creep over mine.

I pull back and my eyes spring open. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”

His pout eases and his eyes open. “Huh?”

“It’s... It’s...”

He clicks his tongue. “It’s Parker.”

“Yes.” I take a step back. “I’m sorry. I have to tell him how I feel.”

He steps forward. “But you just told me you’ve had a crush on me for over a year.”

“I know. I’m sorry for confusing things, but this has been my whole week. I’ve been confused by my feelings for both you and Parker. And I’m sorry, I just figured it out.”

“And it’s Parker?”

“Yes. I want to be with him.” I step around Lewis. “I’ve gotta go.”

Lewis grabs my wrist. “Wait. Both girls want him more than me?”

My heart leaps into my throat. “I sure hope Yvie doesn’t want him.”

“Well, considering she told me I need dating tips from him, I think she’s into him.”

I pull my arm away, but he doesn’t loosen his grip. “Lewis, please let me go. I need to see Parker.”

“Only after you tell me there’s nothing between us.”