Beep, beep, beep.
The alarm on my phone shatters the illusion. Lewis evaporates from the space, and part of my soul goes with him. But one day, he’ll be here for real.
It’ll be the day he remembers how romantic our first meeting was and runs over here for another tray of brownies. It’s not like I’m not always prepared.
I smooth down my school uniform, grab my backpack, and head downstairs. I drop my bag by the kitchen doorway and move over to the counter to slice and package the tart for delivery.
“Mmm,” Mom says, sniffing her way into the kitchen. “Maddy might have to pay you double for these. You outdid yourself.”
I grin. “That’s what I’m trying to do.”
“Are you ready to package them up and get going?”
Before taking me to school, Mom drives me to Morton’s Café. It’s always a good pick-me-up when my boss, Maddy, praises me for my baking skills.
When we later arrive at school, Mom lists off the errands she has to do downtown. I’m barely listening because I pan around the parking lot for Lewis sightings. As he walks by, my heart leaps into my throat. The air gets thinner, and time moves slower.
My senses return to normal function and I rush a goodbye to my mother. I leave the car and suck in a breath of bravery as I move onto the path toward the school gate. Every day, I time my arrival perfectly so I can follow him into school. Every day, my obsession with him grows. And one day, he’ll realize he feels the same way about me.
If I’m going to talk to him, I only have a few moments to accomplish the mission. Once we’re in the hallway, he’ll be joined by his friends, who also ignore my existence. I’m not deterred when he’s in a social setting. I love seeing him interacting with people. Not only does Lewis light up, but he makes those around him better. He has no idea the positive impact he has on my wellbeing.
My heart flutters and my pace quickens. Just hi. No one died from saying hi.
I curl my fingers around the straps of my school bag. My brave breath morphs into fear-soaked pants. The thumping of my steps echoes in my ears. I have a few more feet to gain in order to reach him, and then what? Look like a red-faced fool who puffs hello?
I skid to a stop, gritting my teeth. No way. I’m not starting our relationship on such an awkward note.
Did I actually just go there? Yes, I want to be with Lewis Allen. He’s perfect. But we need to be friends before we rush into anything romantic. The fact he doesn’t acknowledge his classmate who lives next door doesn’t bode well for us.
I linger behind him, entering the school foyer. Ahead, Lewis meets up with his friends, Parker and Tyler. Their chatter is fast, but their pace is steady. They congratulate him on the latest news about his photography. His work has been nominated for another prize.
As I listen to their praise, it’s like fireworks spark in my chest. I went to the last exhibition Lewis took part in. His work is so exquisite. I’ve even seen him in the local park, crouched and patiently waiting to snap the perfect macro nature shot. Those are the moments that make me love him the most.
I envision myself by Lewis’s side, holding his hand as he chats with his friends. I watch myself brush back my cinnamon brown hair, distracting Lewis from his conversation. The boys take the hint, and fall back, giving Lewis and I privacy as he kisses my cheek. His bright blue eyes look deep into my soul, and I caress the side of his face. His honey blonde hair is silky to the touch and I melt in his presence.
Laughter erupts from the boys, breaking my illusion. The crowded hallways of Ashworth Academy try to separate us, but I use all my might to stay close to the boys. I get lucky when they stop in the hallway so Tyler can stuff his backpack into his locker.
Okay, maybe not too lucky. I’m stuck in the middle of the hallway. There are too many students rushing around either side of me. I could move to the opposite side of the hall, but then I’ll be too far away from Lewis. Ugh. This is awkward.
As I turn my head left to right, checking if I can make it across, I hear Tyler’s locker snap shut. I look over at the boys to check if they’re moving.
Parker Kelly leans against a locker, gazing around the hallway. He looks my way, but his eyes are vacant. It’s like he’s looking through me.
Like I care. It makes no difference to me if I don’t exist to Lewis’s friends. Lewis is the only one I care about. He’s the only guy I want thinking about me.
One day, he’ll be the only guy to hold me.
To kiss me.
Just imagining it sends a thrill of goosebumps across my flesh.
I giggle, soaking up the good vibes and get back to reality. My eyes wander along Lewis’s school tie. We all wear the same school uniform, which includes a tie and blazer, but there’s just something irresistible about the way Lewis fills it out. As my gaze lifts, my lips wet when I take in his solid jawline. When I take in the rest of his face, Lewis smiles and waves in my direction.