I blink hard, certain it’s another daydream pulling me away from real life.
When my eyes open, the cutest smile lines crinkle around his eyes, and his grin expands with an adorable laugh. My heart swells and my knees almost giveaway.
This is it.
This is our moment.
He’s finally seen me as who I truly am.
His perfect girl.
Someone pushes past me in the crowd, and I stumble to the side. As I regain my balance, Yvette Anderson struts ahead of me. Her fingers pump in a flirtatious wave, as she strolls by Lewis and his friends, who are practically drooling.
My heart sinks as Lewis’s gaze follows Yvette.
He waved at her?
I clutch the space on my chest over my cracking heart. The boys continue along the hallway, following in Yvette’s direction.
When a hand lands on my shoulder, I jump in shock.
“Hey, it’s just me,” my best friend, Josie, says, spinning me around to face her. “Are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah, fine.”
Her eyebrows raise with skepticism. “Tell that to your tone.”
I sigh. “It’s just... I thought Lewis was waving at me.”
Josie's eyes widen as she smiles. “Really?”
I chew inside my cheek, trying not to frown. “But it was at Yvette Anderson.”
Josie groans, throwing her head back. “I’m so sick of her. On the bus ride here, she was literally the only topic anyone talked about.”
I roll my eyes. “It’s the same thing every few months. Why do people keep giving her attention over this drama?”
“Well, you know people love to discuss anyone in the Ashworth family.”
“She keeps calling herself their cousin, but I found out her mom is cousins with Mrs. Ashworth.”
Josie smirks. “So, she’s not even related to the Ashworth side of the family?”
“No. She’s a second cousin looking for fame.”
“I don’t think it matters how far removed she is,” Josie says. “She’s a relative on the Scandinavian side. She’s tall, skinny, and blonde. Apparently, making her God’s gift to men.”
A gag reverberates in my throat. “As if.”
Josie giggles, following behind me as I move toward my locker. “Let me guess, your Lewis would never be interested. He was just waving to be friendly.”
“That has to be it. Sure, he can see how pretty she is, but he’d never be with someone so shallow and vapid.”
“Well then, you might want to make sure you’re on his radar while Yvette’s still single.”
“He knows I exist.”