Lewis scratches the back of his head with nervous energy. “I shouldn’t say this to you, but, umm, Parker and I were actually competing to get to Yvie first.”
I hug my waist, looking down at my shoes. I hate how very aware I am of this.
“Maybe that’s why Yvie’s suspicious of my feelings,” Lewis mutters. “She knows Parker and I were in competition, but she doesn’t know she’s the girl we want.”
I hold myself tighter, hating these words coming from him.
“Did want,” he blurts, causing me to look up. “Didwant.”
“Parker is with you, not Yvie. I’m so sorry. The last thing you want to hear is that your boyfriend is into another girl.”
Oh, Lewis, you have no idea the crazy stuff I’ve been hearing lately.
He winces. “Have I made you uncomfortable?”
“Uh, no, umm,” I falter. “Why would Yvie think you want me?”
Lewis takes a step back, exhaling slowly. “I think because I was saying nice things about you.”
I lift onto the balls of my feet. “You were?”
“You’re a nice person, Kylie, and easy to talk to.”
I plant my heels back on the ground. “Thanks. You too.”
“Yvie was yelling at me about not protecting her from the spider, and I said...” He sighs, rubbing the side of his face. “I said, I was glad I got away from her because I had a nice time with you on the ferris wheel.”
My heart throbs. “You said that?”
“I don’t know why I did. She wouldn’t stop talking. She was so loud and grumpy. I just realized how bad it would’ve been on the ferris wheel with her.”
My mouth falls open, but I have no words to speak.
“Maybe if I was in the pod with her, it wouldn’t have been so bad,” Lewis reasons. “She just got worked up because I wasn’t with her.” He lets out a nervous laugh. “She said she thought you and I were kissing.”
“Why...” My voice trembles. “Why would she think that?”
“Because apparently the ferris wheel is the most romantic carnival ride.”
I swallow hard. “Oh.”
“She said I wasn’t very convincing when I denied it.”
I wet my lips, feeling chapped. “But we didn’t kiss.”
“She was too mad to listen. Hopefully, she’ll answer when I call her tonight.”
I cross my fingers. “Maybe don’t call her tonight.”
“She might need a night to sleep on it.”
“You think?”
“She overreacts about most things. I can’t see her calming down anytime soon.”