Andy preened as her fingers touched a braid. “My boyfriend did it. He wanted to see what a traditional hairstyle would look like with my hair.”

I pursed my lips. “You’re missing a tail.”

Andy’s face shifted. “What?” She shook her head. How much of my emotions was she feeling at this moment? “Why are you mad?”

“She smells like morynth,” the man behind me hissed. No, legit. It sounded like there was a hiss at the end of the words. I looked up. He looked human, but Pixa had said that other aliens had better devices to conceal their identity. Ricon was too bullheaded to find a proper working device because he wanted to invent one.

Andy’s brows furrowed. As much as she felt other’s emotions, sometimes emotions eluded and confused her. Lately I wondered if her emotional closeness to a person dulled her sensitivity to their emotions, like her mother. “What? That’s not possible. That means . . .”

I stood up and walked to the kitchen. “Did you bring dinner? I’ve had a long afternoon. And it sucks.”

“I wanted to talk to you about how you keep lashing out at me. And where’s Roger?”

“Roger went off to find a NaughtyFan girl,” I said flippantly.

“What?” she asked.

I turned back to her, popping open a can of soda. “Look. You’ve been lying to me. Roger left to find pussy. The end. That’s it.”

Andy shook her head. “You can’t be sure.”

“He said he could see stuff,” Brutix muttered. “It’s his nature.”

“Brutix!” Andy said as she turned. Her face paled as she silently pleaded for him to shut up. I knew the look well.

“Roger’s kind can see mat—” He looked at me and I flipped him off. I was sick of the lies. Would she ever tell me the truth?

“Have you talked to Ricon lately?” she asked.

“Ricon hasn’t video called me in weeks. But you told on yourself. You meant to sayRic.”

Andy’s eyes narrowed. “That’s the truth.”

I smirked. “Yes, the stupid idiot hasn’t called me in weeks.”

Something dinged on her wrist and she glanced down. It looked like a black wrist cuff, but it shimmered and the tech interface showed up. She was trying to cover it up with her hand. I rolled my eyes as I turned back to the pantry. “You should have brought pizza. Maybe Brutix would like some pizza.”

“Chloe, can you stop antagonizing me?” Andy muttered. “I’m not even sure why you are so grumpy.”

“Can you stop lying?! I’ve told you before that I know the truth. What the fuck is Brutix? A lizard alien?” I slammed the pantry door shut and turned around.

Andy’s unnaturally enormous eyes widened even more. “Why would you say that?”

Brutix glowered at me. “She’s mated to a morynth. She knows we exist.”

Andy’s head swiveled back and forth between Brutix and me. “What does that mean?”

“She knows about us,” he replied.

Andy turned around, stomped down the hallway and I stepped out of the kitchen. “Looks like you were never going to tell me the truth!” I yelled.

“I’m . . . confused. I need to talk to Chex.” The door slammed behind her. I turned to Brutix.

“So. What are you?”


“Are you a lizard alien?”