“The ships don’t work. They are useless now unless they know where to get extra parts.”

“You seem pretty confident.” Maybe it was because I lived on Earth, I could only think of every asshole man in existence that used and hurt women. Maybe space was different.

“You’ll be fine.”

“I don’t know if I will be. Do you want me to drive to the ship?”

“That’s acceptable.”

I frowned as I started the car. This sucked. I drove to the woods near the house as he gave me directions. He had parked his ship close enough to the lookout spot that I could park there and not seem suspicious. Everything was normal. This was normal. Saying goodbye to my alien . . . what was he to me? Not my boyfriend. He wouldn’t accept me as his mate. I guess alien fuck buddy? But was it even truly consensual? Maybe when he left, I could think clearer. Maybe that’s when the anger would kick in. That he may have used me for his own pleasure. Maybe, just maybe, I would be glad he left. I walked with him to the ship. My heart felt heavy. These were our last moments together. Could I ever pull myself back together again?

He clicked off his camouflage device. His blue skin against the greenery was captivating. We walked through the bramble until we got to a clearing that looked normal. He pressed a button on his phone and a shimmer appeared. A sleek metal ship that didn’t resemble the ones at the lab came into view. I stepped back and gasped. The colors of the ship changed as a door opened.

“Welcome, Chloe, mate of Ricon.”

“Not my mate.”

There was a weird noise that sounded like a sigh. “Vital readings do not agree.”

He pursed his lips. He turned to me. “It’s time for me to go. The Imperium is counting on me.”

“Do you care about the Imperium?”

He paused. “I care about the hybrids like Andy that do not have protection. How many could be grabbed like she had been? No. I want them to be safe. And the planets that can be harmed by weaponized hybrids.”

“Okay then.”

“It was a pleasure meeting you in person. I’m sorry that the mating pheromones hit you instead of my true mate.”

He was wrong. I knew it. Pixa knew it but he was just anidiot.

“I took your knot,” I argued. Why couldn’t that prove everything?

His wide nostrils flared. “Yes. That’s true.”

“That should be proof.”

“Morynth biology is weird. I’ve heard of forced knots.”

My shoulders fell as I stepped back. “Fine, then.” Louder, I said, “Thanks for all your help, Pixa! Glad you found a name!”

“Thank you, Chloe. I can’t wait to see you again.”

“Pixa!” he yelled from the door of the ship.

I turned and walked back to my car.

Chapter 54


Iparked my car in front of the house and walked to the door. As soon as I stepped in the door, something pushed me to the ground. I flailed and kicked and tried to crawl away. Those aliens must have come back. I knew deep down we should have made an actual backup plan. Assuming that they would give up was folly.

“Brutix!” a familiar voice yelled. A voice I had known since I was a broken teen, as she was broken too.

The hands let go of me, and I looked up from the ground. Andy stood in front of me. Her clothes were not from Earth materials. I could tell that quickly and her hair was in plaits down the side of her head with beads and feathers twined in the plait.

“Nice hair,” I sneered. I shouldn’t be treating her like this, but I was heartbroken.