Riggs family, the Walkers own one of the largest ranches in Texas, and his uncle is the President of the United States. You'd think a man with his privlege would choose a cushy life.
Not Riggs. He's spent his entire adult life in the Navy, as part of an elite SEAL team. He never feared death, only failure. It just never happened.
Until now.
A mission went bad. Real bad. He lost two men, and a civiian infant was killed when an IED lifted an APC from the pavement and deposited it on top of him.
Riggs didn't remember much about what happened between the time he was hit and when he arrived at hospital in Germany. That's when it all became clear. He'd failed and the price of that failure was his right foot. He would lose it. There was no way around it.
Talk about losing your self-identity. Being a SEAL is all he knows. How can he remain on active duty as an amputee? What is he supposed to do with his life? He's no longer the man he was. Hell, he doesn't know what he is or how to deal with this.
Until Dr. Naomie Taylor, his father's fiance intervenes. Soon he's on his way back to the states,to meeting the team who vows to get him back on his feet. Correction foot.
And that's when Dr. Georgie Williams enters the picture. Little does he know that Georgie will change in life.
In more ways than one.