In the heart of Washington, D.C., a sinister plot unfolds as the life of one of Brooklyn Sloane’s trusted team members hangs in the balance. What at first appears to be a random attack turns into so much more when evidence is retrieved at the scene that suggests a carefully orchestrated plan to eliminate the people closest to her.
With Brook’s team fractured and not trusting anyone outside her inner circle, she falls back to her core strength—profiling. Each stroke of her pen unravels a bone-chilling revelation, one that takes the form of her own flesh and blood. Jacob Matthew Walsh, a serial killer serving multiple life sentences and Brook’s brother, has finally made his move to tear her life apart. He has somehow coordinated the assault from his prison cell, but the puppet on his strings doesn’t want to be controlled anymore.
Brook will stop at nothing to catch her brother’s so-called disciple. She has always attempted to put herself in the minds of killers when she’s hunting them, but she’ll need to go one step farther this time. Will she be able to unravel the twisted web of revenge that binds her, or will the deadly silence swallow her whole?