Grace, Manhattan's top hair stylist, finds herself in an unexpected romance with Hunter, a younger man whose presence challenges her sophisticated social circle. Despite their age gap, their whirlwind affair ignites when Hunter arrives to fix her motorcycle and stays the night. He captures her heart, quickly evolving from her pool boy to her devoted partner. Yet, their relationship hits a snag three years later due to Hunter's embarrassing misstep, causing a painful split that sends him away.
Five years later, Hunter returns to New York a changed man and steps in as Grace's protector against a menacing stalker. Determined to keep her safe, he whisks her away to his secluded home in a jungle, offering them a sanctuary to rekindle their love.
But when Grace's impulsive decision leads her back to Manhattan, she walks into imminent danger. With her stalker lurking close by, Hunter is thrust into a desperate race to save the woman he loves..
Embark on Grace and Hunter’s love story as they navigate through desire, danger, and redemption, fighting to secure a future together against seemingly insurmountable odds.