Shattered is a suspenseful romance that dives into the lives of Daphne and Archer. Daphne is a forensic anthropologist and pathologist while Archer is a detective working in the same building. Archer has liked Daphne since the moment they met; when she interviewed for the position, sitting with his boss in a pink tailored skirt suit that matched her hair. He desperately needs someone to play as a fake date to his sister’s wedding but when he tries to ask Daphne he cannot take it anymore and kisses her. Daphne does not know what this kiss means but all she knows is it was not wanted.
When Daphne and Archer find themselves in the same bar later that night, Daphne has a plan. Daphne knows she wants to go home with someone tonight so while Archer and his friend leave the bar she starts to dance with an attractive guy. But all of a sudden all she sees is someone punching the guy in the face. Archer.
The next day Daphne comes face-to-face with the same guy from last night. Only this time he is on her table. She wonders what Archer could have done. She is now working two cases and has to try to prove Archer’s innocence Did his anger build up and find this guy after he left Daphne on her doorstep? Only evidence will tell. Evidence that Daphne has to squeeze out of somewhere. But does she truly want to know what happened to this guy?
On Archer’s end he is being questioned up and down by his colleagues. People he has known forever. How can they think he did this? Do they think he was capable of doing that to the guy downstairs?