After a devastating betrayal by her fiancé, Izzy Young returns to her hometown to heal. Seeking solace, she goes to work at her brother’s business and finds herself drawn to his charismatic business partner, Cameron Fraser. She’s known him seemly all her life, and now she’s developing feelings for him. Or is she just acting on feelings she’s had for him all her life? Izzy’s guarded heart begins to open up, and she discovers a deep connection with Cam.
Cam realizes that having a relationship with his best friend’s little sister isn’t going to go over well with her brother at all. He’s completely fallen for Izzy, but how are they going to break the news to her brother? He would never approve. Just as they both start to believe in love again, her ex shows up and threatens to ruin everything. Is Izzy and Cam’s love worth losing a friendship and brother over?