Our enemies have set a trap to break their own necks. And dug their own graves.
I am ready for them.
We are ready for them.
In this treacherous world, I am no longer a solitary pawn, powerless in a game I never chose.
Shoulder-to-shoulder with me are the three Alekseev brothers—Vadik, Kir, and Niko. We are connected through shared pain, its weight bringing us closer every day.
The desire I feel for these men is rivaled only by the searing hate I have for our enemies.
In this brutal universe, these brothers, my unlikely companions, are my salvation.
And possibly my demise.
Regardless, I’ll stop at nothing to avenge what our enemies took from me.
There is no turning back.
Only revenge.
The merciless, vicious, unforgiving kind.
I’m as savage and cutthroat as everyone around me, just as the Alekseevs trained me to be.
Amidst this, their love has become my true north, a reminder that even in this messed up world, they ride beside me through the tumultuous reality of our lives, lending strength to my cause and magnifying my thirst for revenge.