Paisley May, a talented actress who rose to fame in the dazzling world of Hollywood, finds her life upended when ominous threats turn her glamorous existence into a nightmare. With danger lurking at every corner and the stakes growing higher each day, her trusted team turns to the enigmatic Kinross Organization. They are the keepers of secrets and their clandestine association aids those trapped in imminent peril.
Escorted by Ben O'Malley to the remote commune of Cinderhill, Paisley is thrust into an unfamiliar world, far removed from the glitz and glamor she once knew. Ben prefers a long night tending bar rather than babysitting. But when his family needs him, he can't say no.
Drawn to his irresistible charm and fierce protectiveness, a passionate romance begins to blossom amidst the shadowy circumstances that brought them together. The danger escalates and the line between trust and betrayal blurs. They must rely on their growing bond to navigate the treacherous path ahead.
Will Paisley find solace in the arms of her protector, or will their electrifying connection be their undoing?