The Innocent’s One-Night Proposal

I never should have listened to Cyrus.

I knew better. But he has this sexy little smile that just melts my heart. Add that to all my handsome mates encouraging me to take the next step in our lives, and I agreed to what I thought was a fantastic plan.

Big. F*cking. Mistake.

Because now I'm pregnant, and let me tell you, this is no freaking picnic! I can't see my feet. My libido has gone into overdrive and doesn't seem to realize I resemble a walking marshmallow. And I'm craving troll fat of all things, something I entirely blame on Sol.

The worst symptom? My powers are gone.

Zip. Nada. Finito.

Awesome idea, Cyrus. Thanks for that.

Oh, and to make matters worse, the five sources of magic have gone completely haywire with no explanation. Tornados. Infernos. Floods. At least this time I know I'm not to blame. Someone else has power over all five elements and we better figure out who it is before the entire realm is ripped apart.

Something tells me this is going to be one unforgettable Fae Winter Festivus Holiday.