Dreaming of a White Christmas led her straight into their arms...
In this holiday spin off of the bestselling novella Three For Me?, saving a man in a snowstorm leads Georgia Bale to an isolated cabin, where three men have an important promise to keep. A promise Georgia soon becomes caught up in herself.
She just wanted to survive Christmas, and her bad holiday karma. She had no idea that accepting a friend's invitation to Colorado would lead her to her perfect man. Times three.
What does an eccentric writer do when a compassionate doctor, a dominant police officer, and a handsome adrenaline junkie only have eyes for her?
Use her imagination.
But when the storm clears, she'll have to decide which path to take. The way back home, or the road less traveled.
Warning: A bit of heart tugging, excessive use of imagination, role playing (the dirty kind), foursomes, magic, a guardian angel or two... and the kinky use of holiday themed beverages.