
When the word no is not an option…

Had Delia known that the cold, blustery shore she’d convinced the other captive women to try to reach was Helfallow, home of the Orcs, she might have made a different choice. But it was far too late for that now. They’d all survived, just as she’d promised they would. It remained to be seen if that was a good thing or not. Being auctioned off to the highest bidder cast a shadow over any chance of things turning out well for them, having traded one forced servitude for another. But Delia still stood strong, the face of courage as each of the women was carried off by the huge, primitive savages that bartered for them. She even made the effort to speak of the traits of each individual woman as the Orcs considered which would best serve their needs, doing all she could to make sure the males knew what to expect from them. She remained confident and stoic, until there was no woman left but her. Being older and more mature than the others, she honestly didn’t expect to be of interest to anyone and had no indication of the future that might await her. Until Valka appeared, lazily swinging his battle-axe overhead, taunting the others to try to take her from him. She watched as the other males stepped back, avoiding him, letting her know that he was more dangerous than they, more brutal. In retrospect, maybe she shouldn’t have denied his first demand. Because it seems that now she belongs to Valka, and he most certainly is not used to being told no.