I ran away to Southern California, only to find out I had to move back to San Francisco. My full-ride scholarship is on the line because a fling-turned-rival is trying to sabotage me, using my past with Owen Lowell, a benefactor for the Foundation for the Arts, against me. But I won’t let this get in my way. This scholarship is an honor and the Foundation for the Arts is my dream school. I’ve worked harder than anyone to get where I am; even if I have obstacles piling up in front of me, nothing can stop me now.
But the Foundation wants me to cease contact with Owen Lowell. He’d be easy to forget if it weren’t for the fact that he inspires me; he’s shown me so much more than art. He’s shown me what I’m capable of, of what the body and mind can endure, of what it means to see light in the darkness, to feel pain and pleasure in the same moment. I want to believe that I can retain my scholarship and we can be friends.
Friends who talk.
Friends who use each other.
Friends who keep secrets.