Talk about embarrassing! I’m jogging in the morning. It’s my last day on campus before I go out in the world to start adulting. Then, I trip and tumble about like a cartoon character. Here’s the horribly embarrassing thing. My crush sees me! Dr. Denmark is the hottest, most wonderful man on the planet and he sees me (as my grandfather would say) fall ass over teacups! He hurries to help me to my feet and even through my embarrassment, I realize something… It’s my last night in town and I’m going to hand this man my v-card. It’s the most wonderful experience ever, and I leave with no regrets. I do, however leave with something else… Dr. Denmark’s baby growing inside of me. A year and a half later, we live in the same town, and all my feelings are flaring up again. Does he still want me? If he does, what will happen when he finds out about his daughter?