In three quiet towns across Michigan, a shared name links three women to a chilling fate. Each victim meets a gruesome end, sparking fear and speculation that goes viral on social media. Mary Jane Reynolds, bearing the same name and residing in the same state as the victims, takes matters into her own hands. She posts an online video pleading for the FBI to take the case and give those with the same name protection.
Former FBI profiler Brooklyn Sloane and her team are called in as consultants. While the answers to most investigations are usually discovered with the first murder victim, the profile of this particular case gives Brook reason to believe otherwise. In a shocking revelation, the killer’s fixation might not be on the name itself.
As the investigation unfolds, an unsettling theory begins to emerge—the reason behind the murders is most likely due to a shared secret that not even the victims know binds them together. Will exposing the truth save lives, or will doing so become the catalyst for something far worse?