In the heart of the clandestine underworld, where shadows dance with secrets, Titan finds himself entangled in a web of intrigue unlike any other. When a mysterious bundle is left on his doorstep, claiming him as the father, he’s thrust into a perilous journey to uncover the truth. Racing against time, he seeks out the baby’s mother, only to discover her life has been wiped out and a fierce guardian is in her place.
Maya, is a woman determined to shield her nephew from the dangers closing in. As they join forces, sparks ignite, drawing them together in a magnetic pull neither can resist. But as danger lurks around every corner, they must navigate a treacherous path of deception and betrayal, and learn to trust each other.
Will they emerge unscathed from the shadows that threaten to consume them, or will their fiery passion be extinguished in the darkness?