Page 81 of Dead and Buried

Nox leans over next to me with a grin before he presses his lips to mine in a quick, chaste kiss. I nibble on my bottom lip when he pulls away, disappointed that he ended it so quickly. The oven beeps, letting us know it’s heated up enough. Nox jumps right back into things and we layer the pizza with way too many toppings. I watch as he uses some kind of big spatula thing to pick up the pizza and place it onto the pizza stone that’s been heating up in the oven.

As he closes the oven door, the doorbell rings. Nox is still setting the timer on the stove, so I dust off my hands and glance over at him. “I’ll get it.”

He throws an easy, “okay,” over his shoulder as I go to see who’s here.

Unease skitters up my spine as I near the front door, and I’m notsure why. It feels like the short walk takes forever and I suddenly don’t want to open the door. I brush the ridiculous feeling away and make sure I’ve got my standard five weapons on me.

Against my better judgment, I pull the door open and freeze. For some reason, this was never been a possibility that crossed my mind. I’m not sure how long I stand there staring at the dark-haired man with the broad smile on his face before he says something.

“Hey, sweetie. Aren’t you going to invite me in?” my father asks like I didn’t run away months ago and he’s just stopping by for a casual visit.

“Fuck,” I mutter under my breath and step to the side, letting him into the house.