Page 84 of Carnal Desire

It’s a unique kind of torture, to be back here, so close to my home, and Dante, and everything that I left—but so far away, all at once. Everything I left behind is almost close enough to touch, and still completely inaccessible to me now.

When we arrive back at his mansion, Altiere walks me up to my room. For one fearful moment, I think he’s going to go back on his word and follow me inside, but instead, he nods and steps back, letting me walk in. “Goodnight, Emma,” he says politely, almost kindly, and closes the door behind him.

I hear the lock click, and I can’t stop the tears from falling any longer. I stagger back to the bed, collapsing on it, and let them come.

I believe Dante will try to get to me. But I have no idea if he can—or what the consequences will be if he does.

And until he tries, I have no way of knowing if my baby or I will ever be safe again.



I’ve never known anger like what I feel when I see Emma on Altiere’s arm. I can see that she’s not there by choice, no matter what he’d like me to believe. I know her better than that, and I know there’s no way on earth that she would have run from my arms into Altiere’s.

I barely make it through the party. All night, I track her through the room, watching her as Altiere drags her along beside him. He might think he’s putting on a good show, but anyone with eyes can see that his ‘date’ isn’t a willing one. It’s just that no one has the balls to do anything about it.

He’s right on one point, Fontana would be furious for there to be open conflict between dons in public. Veiled threats and insults are one thing, but for me to violently attack him would be another. I have to keep my anger in check as the party goes on, Lorenzo’s warning gaze reminding me of that as we move through the gallery, making small talk that I hardly register.

But what Altiere doesn’t know is that Fontana already wants him gone. And while Fontana would never sanction a conflict over a woman with no connections to the Family, hewillsanction my attempt to take Altiere out.

I’ll have to make concessions for it. But for Emma and my child, anything is worth their safety.

Whatever Fontana asks, I’ll do. I have no intention of lettinghimknow that—I’ll negotiate as narrowly as I’m able—but I will stop at nothing to ensure that Emma, my child, and my family are all safe.

Altiere won’t get away with this.

“Whatever you’re thinking, you shouldn’t do it,” Lorenzo warns, from where he’s sitting across from me in the car as we drive home. Carmine is next to him, idly scrolling through his phone. “Don’t start a war over some girl.”

“Thatgirlis the mother of my child,” I snap, narrowing my eyes. “And Fontana already wanted me to do something about Altiere. This gives me a reason.”

Lorenzo raises an eyebrow. “More lucrative business opportunities for our family and closer ties to Sicily weren’t a good enough reason?”

“You know that’s exactly the opposite of what I want. But I’ll make compromises, if it means getting Emma back.”

Lorenzo snorts. “So you’ll make compromises for her, but not for what your family wants.”

“It’s whatyouwant. That’s different.”

“Is it?” Lorenzo’s brow rises higher, and I let out a sharp breath.

“Stop arguing.” Aida’s voice cuts through the tension in the car. “Dante’s right. He can’t leave Emma in that man’s clutches.Especiallynot if she’s pregnant.” She turns to look at me. “You didn’t mention that before.”

“I didn’t want to talk about it.” I run a hand through my hair, feeling more and more agitated by the moment. “I’ll have to call in some favors. Talk to Fontana in the morning. But this can’t be allowed to stand.”

“And then what?” Lorenzo looks at me narrowly. “Are you going to do the same thing? Force her to stay with you, even though she clearly didn’t want to, since she skipped town?”

“Lorenzo,” Aida hisses, but he just shrugs.

“What? It’s a fair question. Is it just getting her away from Altiere that you hope to accomplish with this, or keeping her withyou? Because there’s a difference.”

My jaw tightens. My immediate reaction is to be pissed at Lorenzo, but deep down, I know he has a point.

Everything in me rebels at the idea of letting Emma walk away from me again. But if, in the end, that’s what she wants—

I’m no better than Altiere if I don’t let her go.

“I know how important Emma’s freedom is to her,” I say quietly, leaning my head against the back of my seat. “I won’t force her to do anything. But I also won’t leave her in Altiere’s hands. Once she’s free, she can make her own choices. Until then—I’ll do everything in my power together free.”