Page 28 of Carnal Desire

“Brendan, give us a minute?” Her voice is cool, too, and I’m reminded of her anger the other night, when she shouted at me for what I did to Rico. I’m used to women who are wilting flowers, who will do anything I want in exchange for what I can do for them, who live only to please.

Emma is none of those things, and it drives me insane.

She glares at me, jerking her head towards a half-open door to her left. “Come with me.” There’s no question in her voice, no suggestion. She’s demanding that I go with her, and oddly enough, I find myself following.

Emma leads me into what I realize is a break room, and shuts the door behind us, hard. She’s inches shorter than me, but the way she looks up at me with that fierce expression seems to close that gap, making me feel as if she’s glowering directly into my face. I don’t hate it the way I should.

“Why are you here?” She almost spits out the words, and it sounds as if she’s genuinely pissed that I showed up.

“I wanted to see you.” I shrug, saying it as casually as I can manage. The last thing I want her to know is that the drive to come visit her felt almost like a compulsion, like I couldn’t have stopped myself.

“Bullshit.” She crosses her arms over her chest. “You wanted to check up on me.”

Was that it? Did I want to make sure she was alright? That Rico wasn’t harassing her? What did I expect to walk in on?

Not her flirting with another man, that’s for sure.

I certainly can’t say that I wanted to see her face when I showed up unexpectedly, to try to divine the actual nature of her feelings for me after the night we shared, and not just what she wants me to see.

“I can see you’re clearly fine.” My jaw tightens. “Did you tellBrendanabout what we did together?” I try not to let the jealousy color my tone, but it’s impossible.

“No.” She says it flatly, without elaborating.

“Should you have?” Surely, she can’t miss what I’m implying. Surely, she doesn’t need me to spell it out for her.

She doesn’t. Her expression tightens, a mirror of mine. “No.” Her glare turns more heated. “Brendan is myfriend, Dante. He’s also gay, not that that matters. But I assure you, there’s nothing more to us than that.”

“I see.” If anything, the flicker of embarrassment I feel at my misplaced jealousy just makes me more angry. I’m not accustomed to being embarrassed. I’m not accustomed to making mistakes. Emma is upending one thing after another about myself that Iamused to, and it’s infuriating.

“Let’s get one thing straight.” Emma crosses her arms over her chest, leaning back against the door as she levels that angry stare at me. “You don’t haveanyclaim on me, just because we fucked once. I know how men like you handle women, but I’m not a part of the world you live in. You know that just as well as I do. So you can change whatever ideas you have about how things go with a woman you’ve slept with right now, when it comes to me.No oneowns me. Do you understand?”

The words come out in a torrent, hot and angry, and she looks every bit as beautiful as she did the night she yelled at me about Rico. There’s a flush to her cheeks, highlighting the freckles there, her small chest heaving as she spits out the words.

I’m so fucking hard it hurts. I want to fuck her here, up against the door, with Brendan and whoever else might be in the shop on the other side. I imagine covering her mouth with my hand as she comes, feeling her shiver around my cock, filling her up with my cum, and letting her spend the rest of the night feeling it soaked against her skin.

Before I can stop myself, I close the small distance between us, my hands grabbing her wrists. I pull her arms away from her breasts, pinning them to the door on either side of her, looming over her with only a breath of space between her body and mine.

“As I recall,” I murmur, looking down at her heated dark eyes and flushed cheeks, “you liked how I ‘handled’you the other night. You liked it so much that you came for me. Over and over.” I slide my hands up her arms, feeling her skin prickle under my touch. “Was it what you were imagining that night you accidentally called me? When you fucked yourself thinking about me?”

Emma turns her head away, saying nothing, but her flush deepens.

“Did my fingers feel as good as you thought they would?” I lean in closer. “What about my tongue? Was my cock as big as you imagined it would be? Did it fill you up the way that toy did? Or was it so much better, feeling mereallyfuck you?”

Her breathing quickens with every word, and I can feel the tension in her, how difficult it is for her not to move. Not to lean into me, to make me think that everything I’m saying is doing nothing to her.

I know better. I canfeelit.

“You’re going to go home tonight and touch yourself, aren’t you? You might even do it here, in the bathroom, after I leave.” My voice is low and husky, whispering in her ear, my lips almost touching it, but not quite. “And you’re going to think about me. You’re going to think about how, right now, I want to sit you on the edge of that counter behind us, undo those tight jeans, and taste how wet you are. Youarewet, aren’t you?”

Emma doesn’t answer, but I can feel the way her breathing quickens, the shiver over her skin. I know if I touched her right now, she’d be dripping for me.

“If you asked me right now, I’d do it. I’d make you come right here with my tongue. I’d lick your sweet pussy and suck your clit until you screamed my name. But I know you’re not going to ask. You’re just going to think about it. You won’t be able tostopthinking about it.”

God, I’m so hard it fucking hurts.Imight not be able to stop myself from jerking off in the car, once I get back to the garage. My cock is throbbing, and it’s taking every ounce of my self-control not to fuck her here. But I want to punish her for her attitude. I want to leave her just as worked-up and desperate as I feel right now. I want her thinking about what I could do to her every second of the time that passes between now and the next time I see her.

“I’m not going to ask you to promise me that you’ll think about it tonight, because you’ll lie and say you won’t. But I know you will. You’ll think about me eating you out, and how I might rub my cock against you until it’s wet and slick from how turned on you are, and how hard I’d fuck you when neither of us could take it any longer. You’ll make yourself come imagining all of that. And, Emma?”

I breathe her name into her ear, leaning into her just enough that she can feel how hard I am, everything I could give her if I fucked her right now. “I’m going to come tonight, too, thinking of all of that.”