Page 15 of Carnal Desire

She just needs to agree to finish this piece, instead of passing it back to her boss.

I thoughtall it would take was a quick message, letting her know I’d rather have her finish the tattoo than Rico. I figured she’d be pleased with the compliment and thrilled to have the opportunity. But her no leaves me as off-balance as everything else about her has.

Before I can stop myself, I call her. She picks up after three rings, and I hear the sound of bright pop music in the background. I’m on the verge of asking her where on earth she is before I remember that she’s probably at work.


Hearing her voice sends a shiver down my spine. I can hear the tinge of annoyance in it, but that does nothing to stifle the way it makes me feel. I think of the way that voice sounded moaning my name, breathy and soft, and that shiver spreads lower.

“Emma.” The way I sayherssounds more seductive than I intended, but I can’t help it. Iwantto seduce her. For the first time in my life, I find myself wanting to try to convince a woman why she should want me.

For a moment, she doesn’t say anything. I hear that abrasive music in the background, the sounds of something rustling, but there’s nothing else from her.


She lets out a sharp breath. “I’m just stepping outside so I can hear you. What is it, Dante?” That irritation is still thick in her voice, as if I’ve interrupted something. I suppose in a way I have, if she’s at work—but this is, at least on the surface, a work call.

“I’m not taking no for an answer, Emma. I want you to finish the tattoo. It’s healing better than any of the others I’ve gotten already, and your work is perfect.”

I hear her sigh again, this time more softly. I can hear the background noise on the other side of the call—cars going by, distant chatter too far off to make out. She’s silent again for a long moment, as if she’s mulling it over.

“I appreciate that. I really do,” she says finally, and there’s something like regret in her voice. “But I can’t just poach a client from my boss. I’d get in trouble for telling you yes.”

“You’re telling me that your boss would prefer I not finish the piece with your shop altogether?” It hadn’t occurred to me until just this moment, and I don’t mean for it to sound like it does—like a threat to take my business elsewhere. But the truth is that I’d rather not deal with Rico altogether, if he’s going to respond the way Emma seems to think he will. It’s difficult to find artists willing to finish someone else’s work, but I’ve found money can convince most people to do most things, if you have enough of it.

“Rico’s work is every bit as good as mine. Better,” Emma adds quickly, almost as an afterthought. I feel an odd sense of pride in her for admitting how good her work is, even inadvertently. I don’t know her all that well, but it seemed clear to me during our one session that she’s often made to feel that her work can’t measure up to her boss’s. “You won’t regret having him finish it. I just can’t take over what should have been his client all along.”

She actually might not take what I’m offering.A wave of frustration washes over me—not at Emma, but at her boss. The fact that Rico would cling so tightly to a client just because he wouldn’t want to give Emma a client of my status seems insane to me. No matter who does the work, it comes from his shop. At the end of the day, it’s still a Night Orchid artist who did my work, and the shop that I’ll mention if anyone asks.

I know I can be selfish and arrogant—stubborn, even. But this feels even beyond me.

“You’re not poaching me, Emma,” I tell her, letting out a sharp breath to try to hide my frustration. “I’msayingIwant you to do the work. I’ll tell Rico that myself. I’d prefer to have the same artist work on it from start to finish, and I think that’s perfectly reasonable. If he’d been there for the first session, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. He has no one to blame but himself.”

Nothing that I’m saying is particularly out of left field, and I know Emma knows that. I almost feel shitty for putting her in this position. But I want her here. Not only because I want to see her again, but because she deserves to finish what she started.

Someone as talented as her deserves to see this through. Not have it finished by someone who has enough accolades already.

“I get what you’re saying,” Emma murmurs quietly. “But it doesn’t matter. Rico will be pissed at me for taking you on, even if that’s what you want. You’re going to need to stick with him. I can’t afford to lose my job.”

“You’ll be paid well. Whatever your rates normally are, I’ll pay what Rico would have charged, plus tips.” It’s the only thing I can think of to try to sweeten it enough to convince her otherwise. I’d always planned on it, but I hadn’t wanted to turn this call into quite so much of a business meeting. I feel as if I’m bribing her, even though it’s absolutely reasonable for her to expect to be paid what I already agreed upon. “You’re still going to tell me no?”

“Yes. I mean, no. I mean—” Emma takes a deep breath, as if she’s steeling herself for what she’s going to say next. “I’m sorry, Dante. But my answer stands. I’m flattered that you want me to finish it, and I appreciate the offer, but one well-paying client won’t make up for what I stand to lose if I make Rico angry.”

“Emma—” I’m out of ways to convince her. But I have a strange, sinking feeling that if I end the call now, I might never see or hear from her again.

That’s never bothered me before. But the idea of it makes my stomach sink in a way that feels as utterly unfamiliar as every other sensation that I’ve experienced since meeting this woman.

As I say her name, I hear someone else shout it. A male voice, calling her back inside. And I feel something else that I never have before.

A hot, burning wave of jealousy.

“I have to go,” Emma says abruptly. “Again, I’m sorry. Talk to Rico about whatever it is you decide to do.”

And then, before I can say so much as another word, the phone goes dead.

Oh, I will.I grit my teeth, already looking for Rico’s number. If he’s the only reason Emma won’t agree, then I intend to make him see sense.

One way or another.