Page 55 of The Outcast

As soon as we are on the street, Janus turns, red-faced. “What thefuckare you doing?” The words explode out of him like he can’t contain them in his body for another minute. My head jerks back at his ferocious scowl.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re back withNadine?”

Ice runs through my veins. “What are you talking about? No, of course not. Fuck! What do you take me for?”

“Then what the hell is she doing in your apartment?” He flaps his hand at my waist where she curled an arm around me. “Winding her tentacles around you?”

The traffic is thumping over the bridge, and I sigh and run my fingers through my hair, gesturing at him to walk toward the coffee shop.

“She called me and asked for a place to stay two days ago.”

“Man, what are youdoing? You cannot go back there again. Don’t you remember how difficult it was to remove her from your life last time? MyGod, Fab.”

His face is red, and his shoulders are hunched over, and I come to a halt on the sidewalk and hold up a placating hand. Sweat is prickling my neck, making the thin cotton of my T-shirt stick to my skin. I don’t need Janus losing his shit. I shove my hands deep into my pockets: To stop them shaking or to make sure I don’t punch him, I’m not sure.

“For God’s sake! I agreed she’d stay one night. No more,” I say through gritted teeth. “She called me late in the day, and she was desperate.”

Janus makes a face. He understands Nadine’s schemes better than anyone, but dammit all to hell, I know them too. I wish he trusted me more. He blinks to the side and takes a deep breath.

I put a hand on his arm. “Look, I know her ploys. I can handle her. I’ve already found her an alternative place to stay. I just …”

“Fuck, Fabian. Kate—she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you and …”

How does he know where my head’s been all day? “What about Kate? I’ve been trying to find her and talk to her all day and …”

“I think you’re way beyond talking,” Janus mutters, staring down at the cracks and weeds in the sidewalk.

What?I stare at him open-mouthed. Words bubble up as a hot mist grows in my head.

“What do you mean?”

“She came here this morning,” he says.

I gape at him. “I know she did. How the hell …?” Then I realize. “You’ve fuckingseenher? Fuck. That.” I grab him by his T-shirt. “Where the fuck is she?” I shout. “She’s not been answering any of my calls. I’ve been waiting outside her goddamn apartment.” The concern that’s been growing all day morphs into a tiger with claws and thrashing feet. My insides are being torn to pieces. “What did she say to you?”

He lets out a long groan and holds up his hands.

“Calm down. Calm down,” he says, prizing my fingers off his top. “She came to Jo’s office. She’s really fucking upset, Fabian. I haven’t spoken to her. Jo told me that Kate had found you with somebody else. Little did I realize it was Nadine.”

My feet pace across the gray concrete as I jump around the sidewalk. I can’t stay still.

My words come out sharp and jerky. “I’m not withsomeone else. Nadine talked to her when I was sleeping. I don’t know what she said. Kate pretended to be my cleaner. I’ve no idea why.”

Janus rolls his eyes. “You know what Nadine is like, that’s a crapshoot. She’ll have said all sorts of shit to her. Have you told Kate about Nadine?”

“Fuck no. You think I’m sullying what we have with that car crash?”

Janus groans. “Man, that is one of the stupidest things I think I’ve heard you say.”

“What the hell do you know about it? You and Jo weren’t exactly models of clear communication. We’re new! You don’t risk shit early on if it’s good, do you?” I tip back my head, groaning. “Why didn’t she try and talk to me? Why didn’t she demand an explanation? God, if I’d met a guy in her apartment, I’d be shouting the place down.”

“Yeah, if you’d found that fucker David staying with her, you’d have killed him.”

My body goes rigid, black clouds descending over my head.

“Who’s the fuck’s David?” I say, and Janus stares at me.