Page 92 of Branded



Two days had passed since I told Cade everything. My sister and I went to the hospital and spent the day with our mom and dad. Olivia and I would take turns reading aloud, we’d all watch talk shows and reality television, then discuss the episodes. The time flew by, and I preferred it that way.

At noon, our dad would shoo us away to the cafeteria so he and Mom could be alone for a bit. They were so cute together. Each one was always worrying about the other. I wanted what they had more than anything.

“Jeez, meatloaf again?” Olivia made a gagging face as we went through the cafeteria line.

“Reminds me of school lunches. I think I’ll just have a salad.”

“What I want is a juicy burger and a plate of onion rings.”

“Yum. That’s sounds amazing.” I picked up a packet of sugar-free Italian dressing.

“Let’s go to Hotshots. Why should we torture ourselves with hospital food?”

“I can’t. Cade won’t be back to get me until five, and he doesn’t want me leaving unless it’s with him.”

“Bossy much?” She bumped her hip against mine. “So, how are you and Cade doing?”

“We’re good.” I moved my tray along, not finding anything else appetizing.

“Figured as much since you’ve been at his place every night. Does this mean you’re together?”

“Yes, we’re together.” I should be grateful Liv had given me a few days to process before she launched the inquisition. But Cade and I hadn’t verbally made it official. We’d just fallen into step like when we were together years ago, only a slightly different version.

We paid for our food and went to our usual table in the corner. I picked the breadcrumbs off my salad, then squirted the dressing on the iceberg lettuce.

“Like together together?” Liv sat across from me with a face-splitting smile.

“Well, what other kind of together is there?” I rolled my eyes while twisting the cap off my green tea bottle.

“Holy shit! That’s so great! Only took you a decade plus to figure it out, but I’m so happy for you!”

“Wow, Liv.” I gaped at her. She seldom had a filter, and her bluntness rarely bothered me, but I was still raw and filled with so many regrets that her words hurt me. “Don’t choke on your big foot.”

“Shelby, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine.” I held up my hand to stop her. “Tell me about the biker you’ve been flirting with.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She took a large bite of her hoagie, then chewed dramatically and made sounds of enjoyment.

“You’re a brat. You can’t ask me about Cade if you won’t share about the biker.” The flip phone Cade had given me rang. “Saved by the bell. It was Cade.”

“He always has perfect timing.” She gulped her soda and ripped open a bag of kettle chips.

“Hi, how are you?” I answered.

“I’m parked out front and thought I’d stop over to see you for a quick visit while I’m in town running errands.”

“I’d like that. We’re in the cafeteria eating. Bring the biker guarding us with you.”

Olivia’s eyes bulged as she mouthed no, no, no.

“Do you mean Hollywood?” Cade asked.

“Is that the blond guy who looks like a younger version of Bradley Cooper?”