Page 88 of Branded

“Interfere? Jesus Christ, Shelby. The things I did. The women. None of it would’ve happened if you’d called me. Why didn’t Liv call?”

“I made her promise not to.”

I paced, not believing what she was saying. “You were coming back to me, and I wasn’t here. I was raising hell and fucking other women! I fucked everything up!”

“Baby, please.” She grabbed my biceps to stop me. “I know we would’ve been together always if I hadn’t left. It’s not your fault. It’s mine.”

I reeled her into my arms, and we both cried, holding onto each other for dear life. This was all bullshit. No matter what she said, I felt responsible. Shelby could have ownership of the first five years, but the last seven were on me.

“Hey, how about we do those shots?” She popped up on her toes and kissed my neck.

“Absolutely.” God knew I needed another, or the entire bottle. I released her, sniffing like a pussy, and wiped my wet eyes. We each picked up a glass, then drank them simultaneously.

“Just what I needed.”

“Same. When did you last eat?”

“Honestly, I haven’t eaten since yesterday.” She softly giggled.


“Food hasn’t been high on my priority list. Can I have another shot, though? Please?”

“No, ma’am. You need to eat, or you’ll feel awful in the morning.”

“Please, Cade. Just one more shot.” A brilliant smile spread across her beautiful face, and she made praying hands. “Please. I want to be numb after you just cried on my shoulder.”

“Okay, this is your last one, then the bar is closed, sweetheart.” I gave her cheek a soft stroke and poured her another shot. “And never speak of me crying again.” I put the bottle away and made her a turkey sandwich.

“I appreciate your hospitality.”

“It’s a sandwich.” I snorted and shook my head. “Why haven’t you eaten today?”

She pondered my question. “Because I haven’t,” she replied in a snarky tone. “I don’t want to talk about today…today.”

“All right, Miss Smarty-pants. I’ll let it go, but tomorrow is a whole nother story.” I took the plate to her and sat next to her on the sofa with my sandwich.

We ate in peaceful silence and watched the fire crackle and listened to it pop. Shelby looked wiped out. I was feeling drained, too. After she finished her food, I wanted to tuck her into bed. I’d take the sofa, but if she asked me to stay with her, I would.

“I can’t remember the last time I ate a sandwich on white bread without alfalfa sprouts.” She brushed crumbs off the tips of her fingers, then put the plate on the coffee table.

“You just went from Miss Smarty-pants to Miss Fancy-pants.” I chuckled and got to my feet. Extending my hand, I said, “Let’s put you to bed.”

“Okay.” She took my hand and let me lead her to my bedroom and to the left side of the bed.

“You remember.”

“Of course I do, silly.” I stroked her silky hair and kissed the top of her head. She smelled amazing, not of shampoo or my bar of soap, but her natural scent. There was nothing more intoxicating. “Crawl in.” I lifted the blankets, tucked her in, and turned off the lights. I needed to get the hell out of there.


“Sleep tight, Honeybee.”

“Cade,” she called as I left the room.

“Yeah?” I stopped and turned around.

“You’re coming back, right?”