Page 86 of Branded

“Your shirt is wet,” she whispered as she peered up at me with big, brown eyes. They were red and swollen from all the crying, but she was still the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.

“So, it is.” I brushed a lock of her wet hair off her face. “You’re so beautiful.”

“You’re crazy. I know what I look like after I cry.”

“You look gorgeous and don’t argue with me.” I winked at her, then kissed her head.

“You need to get your eyes checked,” she teased me right back.

“What I need is to get us some towels and bring your clothes.”

“Or I could just go into the bathroom and finish getting ready.” She stared at me with an expectant twinkle in her depths, like she hoped I’d say no. I knew the look, the desire for me to take care of her during her moment of weakness. And I would do just that.

“No. You stay right here. I’m in charge now.” I took the knit blanket off the sofa and wrapped it around her, then I went to collect a couple of towels and a quilt from the linen closet.

“I know how you love to be in charge,” she said with a smile in her voice. It pleased me she was doing better, but the flirty lilt in her tone also turned me on.

Stand down, dude. She’s vulnerable and has trauma.

Right. I can be strong for both of us.

“And I know you love it when I bark orders. Let’s get you warm and dry.” I positioned myself on the floor behind her and leaned against the sofa and spread my legs to straddle her.

The apples of her cheeks turned red. “Are you going to leave that wet shirt on?”

“Nope.” I fisted the fabric at the back of my neck, tugged it off, and tossed it aside.

“So many tattoos.” Shelby studied my chest and reached her hand out toward the spot where I had a honeybee near my heart.

“No, touching.” I moved her hand away as my stomach tightened, and my cock rejected my earlier command to stand down.

Shit. Being like this with me shirtless and her naked on my living room floor was a bad idea.

“Oh. I’m sorry.”

“You don’t need to apologize. I feel the blazing sparks between us, baby. But I won’t let anything happen between us.”

“Ever?” Panic flashed in her eyes.

“Relax, sweetheart. You’re vulnerable and have been through a lot.” And I still didn’t know what exactly. “I won’t take advantage of you. Now, come here.” I pulled her close and covered her with the quilt.

“But I want to admire your tattoos.”

“You’ll get your chance later.” I rubbed her back to help warm her up.

“I can’t wait.” She curled against me and rubbed the side of her face across my skin.

“You can wait.” It was torture to be this close to her.God, give me strength.

An exasperated, or maybe disappointed, sigh eddied out of her.

Ignoring her so I didn’t cave to my carnal desires, I dried her long hair with a towel. Neither of us spoke a single word. She relaxed more and so did I.

After a while, I kissed the top of her mostly dry hair. It was nearing ten o’clock and my ass was dumb. “Let’s move to the sofa. The wooden floors are hard under my ass.”

Shelby nodded and moved forward so I could get up first. I stretched, then gave her my hand to hoist her off the floor.

“Will you help me put those clothes on?” She pointed to the pile I’d had next to me.