Page 71 of Branded

“You’re the one being difficult. Now, hurry!”

I pulled my dress over my head and wished I’d chosen the pants instead. I didn’t want to have sex with him.

He pounded on the door again, and I flung it open.

“I just need to do my hair, then we can leave.” I tried to act as if I wasn’t terrified of him, but I was probably failing, just like I had in every facet of my life.

His hungry eyes roamed over my body. Suddenly, he pushed me against the tile wall and kissed me. I didn’t struggle. It would only make him angrier.

I couldn’t respond. I just stood there, powerless.

Jake’s hands traveled over my breasts and down between my legs as he smothered me.

I shook my head no when his fingers went under my panties and fondled my sex. “No, Jake!” I attempted to yell, praying he had a smidge of humanity in him. “Please, stop. I can’t be late for work.”

“Fuck! You’re really starting to be difficult!” He stormed out of the bathroom, but I didn’t hear him leave the room.

I trembled as tears rolled down my face. It was like I’d woken up in a dystopian universe because what I’d thought was real had all been a lie.

“I just don’t get it. You never lock the door.” He was in the bedroom, as I suspected. “What do you care if I see you naked? It never bothered you before.”

“You’ve changed,” I told him honestly as I appeared in the doorway. “It’s like I didn’t know the real you.”

“I’m still me, babe.”

“No, you’re not. You’ve shown a side of yourself I’ve never seen before.” Maybe, just maybe, talking to him calmly will get him to realize how wrong everything was, and he’d let me leave. It was worth a shot, anyway.

He raised my phone in front of him. “How many times are these people going to call?”

I moved closer. “Who?”

“Your sister and Martina.”

“Can I talk to them, please?”

He slowly lifted his gaze to mine. “No. We need to talk.” He patted the spot next to him on the bed.

Uneasiness churned in my belly, but I went so as not to upset him.

“Tell me what you want. Do you want us or not?” He studied my face, and I couldn’t help but wonder if it was a trick question.

If I told him the truth, that I wanted out, would he explode and punish me? An ear-piercing siren blared in my head,warning me that danger was coming. I didn’t know how to reply.

“Shelby, I asked you a question. Do you want us or not?”

Despite the gnawing in my core to keep quiet, I couldn’t lie. “I’m sorry, but I don’t see how we’re going to work.”

His green eyes hardened and turned black. “Because of Cade.” It wasn’t a question.

“We’ve been growing apart for months.” I couldn’t believe I hadn’t realized we had changed until we were in Burntwood. My feelings hadn’t deepened as they should when in a relationship. I didn’t love Jake. I never would, because my heart had always belonged to Cade, and it always would.

“I’ve done everything to make you happy, and you don’t appreciate a goddamn thing! You talked to him behind my back. Giggle over him with your stupid friend. You disrespect me every chance you get!”

I sensed he would lose it any second, and I wasn’t sure how to protect myself, other than remaining silent.

“Why? Why are you doing this to me?”

“We should probably go, so I’m not late to work.” I calmly redirected him. I needed to get to a safe place.