Page 59 of Branded

Dammit, what had I done to us?

“Don’t be sweet to me, Cade. You should be furious with me, even hate me. Reject me, Cade. Push me away like I did to you.” My words stabbed me in the heart. It was so easy to forget what I’d done to him when I was busy with work and distracted by Jake. But I didn’t want to be blind to the truth anymore.

“Never gonna happen, Honeybee. You’ll always be my girl. The love of my life. I can be frustrated with you. Be damn sure I am, but I could never hate or reject you.”

“Do you hear yourself?”


“You’re comforting me after I broke your heart. I don’t deserve your kindness.”

“But that’s who we are, Shelby. We don’t hold a grudge against the ones we love. You mean to tell me you’ll never forgive me for letting you go?”

“I’ve never hated you.”

“And I could never hate you, either. But you avoided me, and I joined the Hell’s Bells MC to forget you.”

“Yeah, how’s that working for us? We both used people to forget each other.” God, guilt and regret crashed through my soul.

He chuckled. “Not too good, it seems. I’d never forget you or stop loving you.”

“Me too.” I sighed.

“How are you feeling, baby?” he tenderly asked.

“Sobering up the longer we talk.”

“That’s good. So where is he?”

“Out of town on business. I’m honestly relieved to have the place to myself. When he’s here, I don’t have a second to myself.”

“Is that why you hadn’t called until now?”

Sadness spread through my veins. “Sort of. I wasn’t sure what to do after you told me to call you. I just poured myself into my work and Jake controlled the rest of my free time.”

He grunted, sounding frustrated.

“How’ve you been? I heard about the troubles you’ve had with vandals destroying your fencing. Do you know who’s doing it?”

“No. We got it under control now.”

“Guess you were busy too and probably hadn’t thought of me.”

“Not a chance. I think of you from sunup to sundown.”

I smiled. “I guess I think of you just as much.”

“Don’t even, Honeybee. We all know I think about you more than you do me. Hell, when I masturbate, it’s you I see.”

“Oh my gosh, Cade!” I gasped in surprise. “You’re shameless.”

“What? My hand can’t hold a candle to your sweet, addictive pussy.” His dirty talk made me tingle down low.

“Stop, you’re lying,” I teased him.

“It’s the truth. It’s always been you, Shelby Smithfield, and it always will be.”

“So, why do we hurt the ones we love?”