Page 58 of Branded

“You can’t tell me what to do! I’m not drunk, just feeling good. If I want to go out dancing with Martina, I’ll damn well go and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it.”

“If I call my security detail, they’ll keep you home!” he shot back.

“If you call them, we’re done!” I hung up the phone, seething as I stared at the vaulted ceiling.

How dare he speak to me that way?

I flew off the sofa in a huff, stumbled over my feet, and caught myself on the end table. Regaining my balance, I paced in the living room.

Who in the hell did Jake think he was? My father? I wasn’t a child and could take care of myself.

My stomach rumbled, equally angry as me, or rather hangry. Junk food would be amazing, but of course, all we had in the cabinets was healthy crap.

I opened the food delivery app on my phone and ordered a pizza. I needed food to help counter the alcohol.

Thirty minutes later, my large pepperoni pizza had arrived. I’d made my fourth cocktail, and I called Cade.

Butterflies danced in my belly as I listened to it ring and waited for him to answer. I recalled his rich and full-bodied voice and how it licked down my spine when he whispered into my ear. I might cream my panties just from talking to him.

“This is Cade,” he answered, and I melted into a warm puddle of pudding.

“Hi.” I got comfy on the sofa, but kept my free hand out of the vicinity of my eager lady parts.

“Shelby?” he asked, clearly surprised. “Everything okay?”

“You don’t need to sound so concerned.”

“Well, I thought you decided to stay with your boyfriend.”

“Stay with Jake? Yeah, right.” I snorted. “I’m all alone, just me and a large pizza and a cocktail! You know it’s five o’clock somewhere.” I laughed at my pathetic self to make me feel better.

“Honeybee, how many drinks have you had?”

“Not you too. I’m not drunk. I’m just relaxed and needed a friend to talk to. Martina’s not answering. Will you be my friend?”

“You know I’ll always be your friend, sweetheart. I’m in the barn, so I’ll grab a beer and you can tell me all about it.”

“But you said you couldn’t be my friend because it was too hard.” My eyes blurred with emotion.

“That was a long time ago, baby. I’ll always be here for you. Start talking. I’m listening.”

I listened as he gulped his beer and took a deep breath.

“Thank you. I’m confused and don’t know what to do.”

“Confused about what?”

“You and Jake.”

He growled. “Go on.”

“Seeing you has me questioning everything I thought was right.” My voice caught in my throat, but I made myself hold it together. “Dammit, Cade. I was doing just fine. Why’d you have to complicate things? Why’d you have to dance with me, and make me want you, and remind me of…”

“Remind you of how good we were?”

“We were better than good, but that was a long time ago.” I swiped a tear off my cheek. “Why’d you come back into my life?”

“Baby, I never left you. That’s why you’re so torn up right now.” His velvety smooth voice kissed down my spine. I woulddo anything to be wrapped in his muscular arms for the rest of my life.