Page 54 of Branded

“Now you’re angry.”

“Nope. I really don’t care what you do.” I took my glass to the bedroom, and he followed me.

“You could’ve come with me if you didn’t work so fucking much.”

“Are you kidding me? You know how important this exhibit is to me.” I gulped half my glass of chardonnay, then set it on the nightstand.

“Yeah, more important than me.”

I went into the walk-in closet and kicked off my pumps and removed my blazer. Jake kept talking, but I wasn’t paying attention to him. His leaving was actually perfect. I could have the next four days to myself. Maybe I’d be gone by the time he returned from his business trip.

Business trip, my ass, I scoffed to myself. He was lying, and I wasn’t sure why. I wouldn’t have stopped him from going.

“Son of a bitch! Will you answer me?” He appeared in the doorway.

“I couldn’t hear you.”

“You weren’t listening.”

“No. I wasn’t.”

He inhaled a deep breath. “How am I supposed to go when you’re acting like this?”

“How am I acting? I’m merely changing out of my work clothes after a long, grueling day.”

“You’re ignoring me and I don’t appreciate it.”

“I don’t appreciate being told you’re going out of town minutes before you leave, but here we are.” I exited the closet and retrieved my glass of wine. Actually, I didn’t care, but he was pissing me off. Like just go already so I can unwind.

“I can be back Sunday.” He tried to coax me into his arms and kiss me, but I dodged him and went into the bathroom to do my face routine.

“Really?” he shouted. “I can’t even kiss you?”

“All you wanted to do was kiss me? Or were you going to try tosexyour way out of this?” I turned the water on and took out my skincare products from the drawer. Jake liked an immaculate home and for all his flat surfaces to be clutter-free. Now that I was thinking about it, why did he get to call all the shots? Because it was his multi-million-dollar home, not mine.

“It’s obvious you don’t want me touching you. We haven’t had sex in weeks.”

“I’ve been exhausted.” And yeah, I didn’t want him touching me.

“Whatever. I’m leaving.”

“See you Monday!” I growled and lathered up my face.

God, he infuriated me.

But maybe this was the beginning of the end forus.



Thank God it was Friday and we had the weekend off, because I’d been a total bitch to my team today. I should’ve been in the best mood after having the king size bed all to myself. But I wasn’t.

My team had finally broken for lunch and not a moment too soon. I was about to lose it and needed a break.

“All right, spill it. What has Jake done now?” Martina asked the second we sat down at our usual corner table.

“He went on a last-minute business trip.” I rolled my eyes. “So I wasn’t able to talk to him and won’t be able to until he returns.”