Page 52 of Branded

“Well, Cade was your first love. It would make any guy nuts having the ex around who is still pining for you.” Amusement was in her voice.

I lowered my hands and shot her a dirty look, but I wasn’t angry. She was just that good at knowing what was what. “We’ve been broken up for over a decade and Cade still makes me feel like the only person in the room.”

“Oh, shit. What happened?” She bounced in her seat with a stupid grin.

“In typical Cade fashion, he strutted in front of everyone and asked me to dance during the party.”

“He did what? And you haven’t told me until now! You’re a class-A bitch!”

I nearly spewed my coffee in her face, laughing. “There is so much to tell. I didn’t want to start and then have to stop.”

“Well, nobody is stopping you now. Keep going!”

“He asked if I was happy and told me he still loved me.”

Martina squealed and clapped. Like my sister, she’d always been Team Cade.

“He’s positively sinful with these tattoos that start on the tops of his fingers, creeping up his hands and arms. I’m pretty sure they go up to his shoulders.” I fanned myself, feeling my face heat.

“And you didn’t rip his shirt off to examine him?”

I giggled like a schoolgirl. “Believe me, I wanted to more than anything. He had me tingling and panting in front of the whole town, and Jake.” My giddiness deflated. “I feel awful for letting Cade sweep me off my feet in front of my boyfriend.”

“Who cares? Jake is not the one and you know it.”

“Do I know it?”

“You’ve lost your mind.” Martina rubbed her temples and blinked at me like horns were sprouting out of my head. “Or maybe Jake is drugging you. Cade has always been the one.”

“He told me to call or text him.”

“And you haven’t yet.”

“I almost did a few days after we got back, but my phone broke. Remember? I don’t have his number anymore.” I gnawed on my bottom lip.

“Yeah, I remember. That was a strange occurrence, don’t you think?”

“Jake apologized and replaced it right away.”

“Mhm, and you weren’t able to retrieve any of your contacts and had to get a new number. Don’t you find that a little suspicious?”

“Suspicious how?”

“Phones break all the time, Shelby. How many times have you transferred over your contacts?”

“But it’s different because I’m on his plan and there was like a glitch or something.”

“Or something.” She cocked her head, giving me an attitude.

“Do you really believe Jake is lying to me?”

“Do you really believe he isn’t?”

A creepy niggling turned my stomach. “I don’t know.” My mind raced as I replayed everything that had gone on in the past few weeks. His super sweet attentiveness. How he’d admitted accidentally breaking my phone. Him coming to work during my lunch and dinner break.

Tears burned my eyes as a chill shot through my spine.

“Wow, this whole situation has alarm bells going off in my head. You need to talk to Cade and Jake today.”