Page 43 of Branded

“Same. Life is too short and tomorrow isn’t promised.” Madden set his box on the ground and blew out a breath. “If you still love her, get her back.”

“Work your charm and seduce her back into your bed.” Travis grinned. “She’s more beautiful than before.”

“Don’t I know it?” My throat constricted. “But she’s taken.”

“Stop saying that. You’re meant to be together. Have been since we were in high school.” Travis’s intense eyes narrowed. “Don’t pass up a chance to get her back. If she marries him and has a kid, you better be able to live with it.”

Of all people, Travis knew what he was talking about. He and Dolly should be happily married, but he’d been too afraid to let her know how he felt. Now she was hitched to the sheriff’s son, and we all knew she was unhappy.

“Cade,” my mom called from behind me.

I turned around. “Be right there.”

“We’ll help you get Shelby back.” Travis stood beside me.

“I don’t need help.” I screwed up my face, more than a little insulted.

“Sorry. Forgot I was talking to the badass biker, and not the infatuated rodeo champion who promised to let the love of his life go.” He eyed my tattoo sleeves and whistled. “Has she seen your ink? You know how women love that shit.”

“Not that I noticed,” I replied through gritted teeth. “I might’ve been an idiot to make that promise, but I can’t break it.”

“You won’t have to,” Madden said. “Find out the deal with the boyfriend. If she doesn’t love him, you have a chance.”

“What he says.” Travis nodded. “I’m telling you. The boyfriend is no good.”

“Yeah, I thought the same thing when I met him. I better get cooking. Catch you two later.” I stalked away, scanning the area.

The guys had riled me up, that was for sure. If Travis sensed Jake was bad news, I hadn’t been fabricating shit because I hated seeing Shelby with another man. All I ever wanted was for her to be happy, even if it was with someone else.

But if Jake had harmed her, I’d kill him.

Guess I needed to have a chat with Shelby at the party…



My brother Holden arrived three hours later than we’d expected, and without his girlfriend, Mindy. The second I laid my eyes on him, I felt his pain as if it were my own.




I’d carried around those emotions for years after Cade let me go. They still lingered in my soul even today, especially today, when I knew I’d see him.

After a fast as lightning greeting, Holden had disappeared. My parents were preoccupied with the preparations for the party, Jake was watching CNN, and Olivia hadn’t come downstairs yet.

Somebody needed to check on Holden and find out what happened with Mindy. My brother had always been a pillar of strength. Supportive and encouraging. Fun and always offering to lend a hand to those in need. He was a terrific person and an even better brother. Which made the sick feeling in my stomach so much worse.

Making my way through the house, my brother was nowhere to be found. I went upstairs and heard his angry whispers coming from his childhood bedroom. At the door, I leaned inand held my breath the same way I had when I was a nosy, eavesdropping preteen.

“All I’m saying is pack your shit and get the fuck out of my house.”

Oh my God!

“I don’t care if you’re sorry. Or if it only happened once. Be gone by the time I get home,” Holden growled and there was a crash.