Page 38 of Branded

I couldn’t help but laugh at his dramatics. “Are you afraid?” I peered over my shoulder just as he scowled, not appreciating my laughter or teasing. “Just keep close to me. I’ll protect you from the aggressive cocks.”

Stifling a giggle, I took his hand, and led him into the barn. A group of hens, clucking their favorite tune, eagerly followed us. My mood improved a billion times.

“Let’s go back to the house. Rural living isn’t for me.” He whipped his head around, searching for the roosters. Okay, I wasn’t a cruel person. Jake genuinely looked freaked out, and I felt bad.

“I want to show you something.” I pointed up above his head. “Up there is the hayloft. Do you want to go up?” I arch my brow in a playful, enticing manner, but I knew he’d never agree.

“Yeah, I’ll pass.”

“Wouldn’t you like to find out what I did up here when I was young?” I was totally screwing with him. I didn’t want to have sex with Jake today, or maybe ever again, after the way he’d treated me this morning. This was just me being a snot and trying to disgust him.

“You can’t be serious? It’s cold and it stinks. I can’t imagine the germs. Not to mention all the chickens.” His eyes roamed the barn, still jumpy with the flock under foot. “We can explore other fantasies you have.”

“Sure.”But not likely, you arrogant jerk.“This way of life isn’t for everyone.”

“I can tell you’re disappointed, but really, I just can’t.” He reached for me, and I stiffened, not wanting his lips on mine.

Luckily, I spotted a determined rooster charging toward us. I spun around and blocked the attack and roared at the little fucker, like I used to as a kid.

Jake jumped back with a look of terror on his face. “Damn, babe! You’re quick!”

“I’m experienced. Ya gotta show ‘em who’s boss.” I clucked my tongue like a badass. “Now, let’s get you outta here before the roosters mobilize.”

His eyes widened, and I burst into laughter. A cold-hearted person would’ve left him to fend for himself, but that wasn’t me. I led Jake out the back, toward the orchard. Shutting the barn door, we left the musical flock behind, clucking and squawking to their heart’s content.

“They won’t bother us… for a while, anyway. Once they figure out where we are, they’ll come running.”

“Fantastic. Let’s just go inside.”

“We will. I just want to look around.” I relished being home and hadn’t realized, until now, how much I’d missed the farm. The sights and smells, the chickens, goats, and the massive organic farm. “I helped with planting and harvesting when I was growing up. In a few months, the dirt will be covered in a layer of snow… and I’ll miss it.”

“I’ll take you skiing in Aspen this winter.”

“You think going to Aspen will make me not miss home?”

“How about Switzerland? You always call yourself Switzerland. Let’s find out how similar you two are. But I’ll say it’s a gorgeous country, so you’ll have some heavy competition.”

If my jaw could hit the dirt, it would. “Wow. You’re a jerk today.” I shoved him, then stormed into the orchard toward the most beautiful tree on the planet.

My heart rapped against my ribs when my childhood swing came into view, then I skipped toward it and sat on the wooden seat.

“Don’t be mad!” Jake hollered after me. “I was just teasing.”

“Whatever, Jake. I don’t want to fight.” I swayed on the swing as he stared at me. “What?”

“Show me your gorgeous smile.”

I cocked my head at him. Did that sound like a demand? Maybe I was being sensitive, but it sounded like a demand. “This is the oldest tree on our property and it will be here forever.”

“Okay. I don’t see the big deal. It’s a tree.”

I rolled my eyes. “It’s more than a tree to me. It’s like an old friend. We’d swing until my heart’s content.” I gazed at my favorite Lucchese boots. They’d been tucked into the back of my closet and looked freshly oiled. My mom was the best.

“Want me to push you?” He went behind me and grabbed the rope on either side of me.

“Only if you want to.” I lifted my feet and waited. He was acting unpredictably and might renege.

“I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t want to.” He pulled me back and let go. “I’m not an asshole, babe.”