Page 17 of Branded

“I tried to end it with him so many times, but he wouldn’t let me.” I went on like a bumbling idiot. “Not until the very last time.”

“He wouldn’t let you? What? Did he hold a gun to your head? Threaten to kill your family if you don’t stay with him?”

“God, no. Nothing like that.” I pushed away from him and paced. “He told me I was free to do what I wanted, but he called and texted all the time, sent me flowers. He acted like we were still together after I broke up with him.” Of course, I’d come to my senses and realize I missed Cade and we’d get back together not long after our break… Until the last time.

“The dude sounds like a loser. Bet he’s just a down-home, denim-overall-wearing farmer who can’t spell his own name or remember what day it is. He probably has a beer belly and lice in his overgrown beard, and knows nothing about how to treat a woman.” He snorted as he mocked Cade. His haughty attitude burned me up inside, and again, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.

“Feel better now?” I rolled my eyes.


“Don’t forget, my parents are farmers.” I stopped there before I chewed his ass for insulting every farmer in the world, and bit my tongue until it bled.

“You know what I mean.”

“I don’t.”

He sighed and shook his head. “How did you get him to let go?” Why he cared so much, after all these years, perplexed me. “Did you love him? I don’t even have to ask if he loved you. Who wouldn’t?”

Oh, my God!“Are you jealous?” Warmth spread through my chest and butterflies danced in my stomach. Maybe he loved me and had been afraid to admit it.

“Please,” he spat. “Me, jealous of a filthy farmer? Don’t make me laugh.”

And just like that, the flutters in my belly died. “Don’t be an asshole.”

“What? You know he’s planning to win you back, right? Should I fly home tonight?”

“I can’t keep up with you. One second you sound like you love me, then in the next, you’re assuming I’m going to dump you in front of everyone and get back together with Cade. Do you know how ridiculous you sound? We’ve been together for nearly two years. Not once have I mentioned Cade.”

“Makes me wonder why you haven’t.”

“Cade means nothing to me.” Pain shot through my heart as I denied what I knew deep down to be true. “California is where I want to be. I love it there. And I have you in my life.” I rushed over to him and cradled his face in my hands. “You’re who I want to be with.” Not only was I trying to convince him, but it occurred to me just then I was also trying to convince myself.

“You didn’t answer my question. Did you love him?”

“Does it really matter? It was ages ago.”

“Yes, I need to know. Like I’m actually on edge over a farmer.” His jaw twitched. “Did you have a lot of sex? Was it good?”

“Yes, I loved him,” I answered honestly. “But we were kids back then. I’m with you, and that’s all that matters.”

“You’re right. I don’t know what’s gotten into me.” He gave me a chaste kiss. “Just promise you’ll always be honest with me.”

“I will. And you’ll be honest with me, too.”

“I will. I don’t like any of this.”

I groaned. “Can we just move past this, please? I know you’ve been with dozens of women, which I don’t like, but accept.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t force you to have dinner with any of the women I fucked.”

“Oh, my gosh! Are you for real right now?” I pushed him away. “You can’t honestly be angry about this.”

“Why can’t I? Your ex is coming to see the love of his life. Does he even know about me? Is he going to bring his shotgun and blow me to smithereens?” His face turned red.

“Now you’re overreacting.” I couldn’t do this anymore. My sister and parents were bound to hear us through the paper-thin walls. “I’ve had enough of this.”

“Oh, I’m overreacting? We aren’t talking about immature love where you fumbled around with sex.”