Page 12 of Branded

“And that makes me freaking excited about other things, but we’ll do them another time.”

“I can’t wait.” She visibly shivered and moved onto my bed, positioning herself on her back with her head on my pillow. “My panties are wet. That’s good, right?”

“Mhm.” I couldn’t speak through the boulder in my throat. I went to my nightstand and took out a condom, then looked at her.

“Go ahead. I’m not afraid.”

I nodded, kicked out of my bottoms and ripped the pack open. My hands shook as I fumbled, rolling on the latex. My heart thundered against my ribs so fast but I wouldn’t let it distract me from my one and only, lying practically naked on my bed.

“It’s okay, Cade. I want this.” She reached her hand out. I took it, and let her guide me on top of her.

Despite how long we’d been together, I had respected the hell out of Shelby and never pushed for more. We’d been raised in church and taught to wait until marriage. But no one was perfect, and we’d done a lot of making out and heavy petting. Tomorrow, we’d just have to pray for forgiveness.

“I’m nervous,” I told her honestly. “Everything is about to change.”

“And we want it to change, right?” She spread her legs wide, and I dropped between them. Her panties were still on and did nothing to hide her warmth and wetness.


Our folks and pastor would say we were sinning. As if they’d never sinned or broken one of God’s commandments. I believed the man upstairs had a plan for us, and that included marriage. So there was no reason to put off what had been written in the stars. Shelby Smithfield was the love of my life, my beginning and end.

“Can you rub me the way you did that one time?” She meant hump her.

I bucked my hips, pressing my cock against her mound.

“Yes, like that,” she said in a breathy tone. “Just like that.” She rolled her hips, meeting my thrusts head on.

I kept my eyes locked on hers, watching for signs of hesitation. There were none.

Her breathing increased, as did the speed of her gyrating hips.

My heart hammered faster than ever and my mouth went dry.

Surprisingly, the condom seemed to keep me from coming during all this stimulation, and I was glad. The last thing I wanted was to come prematurely and it be over before I entered Shelby.

“I think I’m ready,” she moaned, arching her neck. “Now, Cade. Take me now.” The urgency in her voice made me lose my mind.

I jolted off her body, tore off her panties, and dove back on her. In one frantic thrust, I plowed into her.

She cried out and dug her nails into my thighs, stopping me. It was then that I felt the resistance. Only half of my dick was inside her.

“Shit, baby. Am I hurting you?”

“I don’t know.” Tears streaked into her hair. “I think the invasion just shocked me. You’re a lot bigger than a tampon.”

I refrained from snorting. “I hope so. Want me to pull out? Or we can stop.”

“No!” She squeezed my thighs. “I want this. Just… I don’t know. Figure out how to get in.” More tears rolled onto my pillow. “Or maybe I’m broken.”

“Honeybee, you’re not broken. Think back to health class. They said the first time hurts.”

She nodded with her eyes closed. “For us girls, but not for you guys.”

“Yeah, it’s totally not fair.”

“I didn’t think it would burn. I feel tight down there.”

“I’m stretching you, baby. Here, I’ll pull out a little.” I watched her face as I inched out.