“Tell us more.” I encouraged. “Does she know you’re into her?”
“Kind of… No. I don’t think so. Shit, my brain turns to mush when I’m around her. I stammer like an idiot when she tries to talk to me at school.” Buster kicked up dirt.
“Is she the cute blonde with legs for miles we saw in town?” Boone asked.
“Yeah…Jenny,” He growled her name at Boone.
“You should bring her over for supper sometime,” I told him. “Shelby would love to meet her.”
“What, seriously? Then she’d fall for you,” Buster grumbled.
“Dude, I’m too old for her and happily married.” I stopped when I saw two unfamiliar cars coming down the road. “Shelby will work her magic, and Jenny would fall in love with you.”
“Do you really think Shelby would help me with Jenny?”
“Of course, matchmaking is right up her alley.” I kept my eyes on the vehicles. My cabin was a mile down the road, but I could see if someone stopped by.
“Cool.” Buster clicked his tongue.
“Two cars just went onto my property!” I took out my phone and didn’t get a signal. “Fuck!” I ran to Phantom, mounted him lightning fast, and sped off through the field toward my cabin. I had a sick feeling. It made little sense. Jake was dead, but a force stronger than my good sense had me pushing my horse harder and harder to go faster.
Boone got on his own horse and pounded the dirt beside me.
I didn’t look back at Graves and Buster, but I heard the truck peel out.
Jesus, fuck. If anything happened to Shelby or the baby, I would never forgive myself for leaving her side.
I went out onto the porch to see Buster. “You know I’m okay here. Cade probably needs your help more than my flowerbeds do.”
He stopped pulling weeds. “He told me to stay until eleven, so you’re not alone too long. Unless you tell me Martina is coming over earlier, I’m not leaving before eleven.”
“My husband has got you trained very well.” I laughed and leaned against the log post.
“Yes, ma’am.” He resumed his task.
“I’ll go call Martina to see if she’ll come over earlier.” I went back into the house to search for my phone. Of course, my pregnancy brain was causing problems. I went into the bedroom and didn’t find the fancy new device Cade got me after the mess with Jake was over.
I went back out to the living room to search.
“What did Martina say?” Buster asked from the door.
“I can’t find my phone.” I put my hands on my hips and scanned the room.
“You mean this pretty gold one?” He held up my device.
“Yes! Where was it?” I went and took it from him and typed out a quick message to Martina.
“On the chair you set it on.” He grinned, all proud of himself.
“Stinker.” I shook my head just as Martina’s reply came in. “Okay, you can leave. She can be here at eleven thirty.” I’d be alone for less time than Cade had said.
“Then I’ll be on my way.”
“Not before I pack some snacks for you all.” My mom had dropped off a ton of food from the baby shower on their way to church this morning. “I expect you all to eat it all, so it’s not in the cabin tempting me. I’m fat enough.”